MovieChat Forums > The Office (2003) Discussion > The Office UK - Editing error!

The Office UK - Editing error!

After god knows many years of re-watching this brilliant show, i just discovered an editing error. Sorry if this has been mentioned before.

In the first episode, where David Brent tells Dawn to put the fax inte the "special cabinet" and then crumbles it up and throws it in the bin, he asks for it back. "No, can I have that back please".

Later in the meeting with his boss, he doesnt have the fax (the agenda) since he told Dawn to bin it - he should've had it since he asked for it back.

My guess is they failed to edit out the half second where he actually asks for it back.



Did nooo get an agenda..


He probably took the bit of paper back, but still failed to read it.


You think head office only ever sent one fax? Okay ..


He's right and you're wrong. It was the same fax Jennifer asked about later. And there is indeed a contradiction.


We never actually see him receive the paper back though, and given the typical plot lines, we can easily imagine scenarios in which David gets distracted and forgets about the fax. Too much of a stretch to call this an editing error; if anything it would be a writing error.

__ __ __
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley


I don't think it was an editing error - David has shown himself to be completely useless at his job, hence the redundancy. He didn't do the report that Neil asked of him - the report that he said would be ready by today and yet Neil came in there to find that 'THIS' had been the fruit of his labours (game show hosted by David Brent). As for the fax, he probably did get it back but quickly forgot about it and forgot he even received one in the first place (did noooo get an agenda).
