' The Underpass Safer.'

Who in the hell thinks going down a dark underpass is safer than hailing a cab? When that lady told Alex that I wanted to punch her in the face. Not through watching this, but I felt like this line in the movie sealed her fate. Poor decision making skills.


Who in the hell thinks going down a dark underpass is safer than hailing a cab? When that lady told Alex that I wanted to punch her in the face. Not through watching this, but I felt like this line in the movie sealed her fate. Poor decision making skills.


I think the lady purposely told her that. People can be real garbage.



I thought that since she couldn't get a cab she was going to walk to the other side of the street to get one more easily. As there were like 5 or 6 lanes with heavy traffic and no light, the other woman felt it would be safer to take the underpass than attempt crossing.

Either that or she purposely put her in a dangerous position. She looked like a prostitute and maybe didn't care for a lady of great beauty who was well dressed, like her attacker.
