i feel such a connection with the charecters in this movie. distructive relationships are my thing. and i think it showed a side of women that many men don't understand. maybe there is a jerk out there who watch this movie and stopped treating women bad, that would be nice.

forgive my thoughts they dont seem to be organized


...and maybe there is a girl out there who realized how her clumsiness and "aloofness" screws up every decision she tries to make. yeah, the guy was a prick, but deb should know better by now. my question is do girls know how to handle this side of themselves without overthinking about the situation? she was looking at engagement rings for gods sake!! any girl who resembles the girls in this movie need to relax and be themself more, and then their problems will go away as soon as they stop making them worse.


Wow, couldnt have said it better



"maybe there is a jerk out there who watch this movie and stopped treating women bad, that would be nice."

Uuuuhhhh... Yeah right.


I feel a connection with this movie and its characters too, although I live in Ohio, not NJ but that's besides the point. Before I met my now-fiance, I did hang out in bars very similar to Ollie's to meet guys. And although (thankfully) I was never quite as desperate and pathetic as Deb in this movie, I feel like I knew exactly how she was feeling at certain points. When you're in a place like that and there's a guy there that you like, it's almost like a game plan of how you'll get his attention, i.e. playing songs on the jukebox, casually dancing nearby, or figuring out what to say to him if you decide to approach him. Everytime I watch this movie, I feel like I know exactly how she feels.

"I am a circus freak...I just never joined the circus."


i think uma potrayed deb brilliantly her charcter had a certain awkwardness about her that made her slightly pathetic yet the same as every woman who cant find a man feels. Her character could be sweet but was very fiesty and often got the wrong end of the stick. She also seemed to make a fool of herself and not really care she seemed so desperate to be wanted and i think i feel like that sometimes too i think it is one of the only films i have seen that does really connect to life but i was dissapointed with the ending.

If I were normal life would be soooo un-interesting
