Question about it

I watched the part where Uma Thurman danced over to the juke box at that bar to get that guy's attnetion and then Juliette Lewis comes over to get her and then the guy turns around and catches Juliette's eye and vice versa and then Uma goes home with the guy. Did he ever hit on Juliette or what?


i know right?! i mean i thought there was gonna be a love triangle going on...but nope, nothing happened


Well Juliette's character cared too much about Uma's to get involved with a man that she liked. The whole point was just to show that Uma was so desperate that she didn't even notice that the guy wasn't even into her and would actually rather be screwing her best friend.


I think that showed that Uma wasn't special to him. It could have been anyone for him that night. Even her best friend. At the same time from Juliette's perspective, she was also scoping out the room. For "true love", things have to be special and certain between two people, in these situations, anything can go. Everyone was checking out the scene, looking for something.
