DBZ for girls

I've heard this show described as DBZ for girls...has anybody else heard this before? Why is this? I could see the similarities to the beginning of dragon ball (super strong lead character and a girl, gathering things to gain more power, also inuyasha's sit boy command and oolong's piggie) but I don't see how it's for girls...


I think you're thinking of Sailor Moon that you heard that, I love Inuyasha and have never heard once of it being described as DBZ for girls, Sailor Moon on the other hand I've heard it described that way multiple times from multiple sources.


Like Sesshomaru, this is the same look and reaction I give to people who even suggest Inuyasha is DBZ for Girls, or is similar to Twilight... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=QccfTvuZ9 WI#t=9s


it's ironic how this series is for girls yet its more gory and violent than today's shonens (One Piece, Naruto)


I've never heard anyone use that "DBZ for girls" remark. I'm a guy and this series is near the top of my "favorite anime" list.


I have to admit, I miss the days when Inuyasha was the big thing in the anime fandom and for a shojo anime, it was very violent and bloody relatively speaking.

Like, Inuyasha isn't even one of the main "grimdark" anime of the early 2000's and it's a lot edgier than My Hero Academia, and I mean that in a good way.



Who ever thinks such a thing is dumb, having watched all of both series and a fan of both they are nothing alike. DBZ is more childish compared to Inuyasha and DBZ is about Aliens trying to destroy the universe while Inuyasha is about demons trying to gain power through a jewel, how is that even remotely the same?

Never once did I year someone in Inuyasha, he has a power level over 9000! lol

-People sure do get angry if you don't like the same things they do


Things can be similar without being exactly the same, yknow..


Yes, but I see absolutely nothing similar

-People sure do get angry if you don't like the same things they do


Where have you heard this? I never heard this specific comparison to Dragon Ball Z. However, those unfamiliar to anime often know of Dragon Ball Z and thus associate ALL anime as Dragon Ball Z. I find Dragon Ball Z an inferior anime. Dragon Ball Z is not the best example of anime. Dragon Ball Z is extremely overrated and it is very unfortunate that there are people who mistake all anime as Dragon Ball Z. There is more than one genre for anime. They are not all the same!


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Actually, DBZ and Inuyasha couldn't be further apart. Both admittedly suffered the problem of being extended too log but Rumiko managed to tie up loose ends pretty well in the manga and the Final Act.It had everything you could really ask for: a complex plot, an actual story, and very personal stakes for each character in killing Naraku and completing the Shikon-no-tama. It was quite dark at times, especially where Naraku was involved: Kikyo and Inuyasha were tricked into killing each other, Miroku inherited a curse that could one day destroy him, Sango had to live through her own brother killing innocent people not once but constantly as Naraku's puppet(it did help in his redemption though that he did not do anything bad of his own free will). Then there was Kikyo herself: resentful of coming back to life, living to pursue Naraku but working across and sometimes in opposition to Inuyasha.DBZ as a whole did not offer nearly as much. IF she'd ended it within 25 volumes, it would've been an undoubted masterpiece(which it is even now though not as great). Her only real mistake was extending the plot beyond healthy limits and creating so many unwanted subplots like Kouga(which really lead to nothing).
