The plot/theme is definitely similar to both Memento and The Pledge, which came out just before this film. Yet I find it way more interesting, if hardly flawless, than the dreary puzzle-box of Memento. Fear X has a beautiful and hypnotic atmosphere you can really sink your teeth into, whereas Memento is just kind of a dry, clinical exercise in structural dynamics, arranging the pieces just so so that Nolan can have all his "gotcha!" moments throughout. It's too "clever" by half. I prefer the opaque, and possibly incomprehensible, expressionist style of Fear X, which is similarly postmodern in its rejection of the possibility of a single "truth," and yet has a very modernist visual/aural aesthetic which is seductive and ominous where Memento's is plain and workmanlike. I've seen Memento twice, yet I never find myself thinking about it, whereas various moments and locations and scenes from Fear X pop into my mind every now and then, and I've seen the film at least 4 or 5 times. I find it gets more mysterious and intriguing each time, whereas Memento just fell flat and became even more banal upon re-examination.