My wife and I picked this movie up a few years ago and gave it a watch. I must say it was one of the most terrible movies we've both ever seen. I've literally watched thousands of movies and typically love psychological movies. This movie is really depressing and truthfully seems to have no point whatsoever. It really doesn't even make sense.
This board is filled with people who are trying to "explain" the movie to other people because they are interpreting it in their own way. In reality, this is a movie that doesn't know what it is or what it wants to be. Right when you think you've got it figured out, it stops making sense at all and the movie ends.
I don't recommend anyone to watch this movie ever and I can't believe that it's ranked 5 out of 10. I'd give it a 1 or 2 at best. Terrible waste of time and money.
P.S. If anyone says anything different or tries to flame this post....all I have to say is give the movie a watch, you'll soon regret your words.
I agree with you! I just finished watching it a few seconds ago, then decided to see what others had to say. I had just told my husband that I just watched a sh***y movie that wasted the times of some good actors. The ending was POINTLESS and left me wondering if the editors accidentally cut the actual ending and just sent the movie for production. THEN they realized their mistake but didn't want to confess to their error so they kept quiet about it. I was looking forward to a much better ending, but too bad it wasn't there.
I watched it this afternoon, and I stayed with it throughout. I honestly felt as if I was viewing it in slow motion! Someone says, "Hi." There is a long silence. Then, someone says, "Hi." There is a long silence. Then, we cut to another scene: closeup of guy staring blankly; cut to wallful of index cards and pictures; cut back to guy staring blankly. Scene after scene is like that! I struggled to stay awake. It was the middle of the afternoon, and I nearly fell asleep, when I've never fallen asleep in front of the TV set before. This is a brainkiller! I'm proud that I made it all of the way through, but I would NEVER recommend this thing!
I agree that it seems pointless and plotless. The closest to normalcy might be the waitress. But, how long does it take to agree that apple pie sounds good?! The rest of this film is overcast with gloom and despair, but with scarcely a moment of histrionics, which might have made it livelier. Did you notice that the only TV-viewing was limited to the grainy security tapes? Otherwise, no one listened to the radio or had a set on in any situation~unless that was during one of the moments I nearly blanked out. The child makes the smallest sound with his toys, and his mother reprimands him as she scowls at the phone.
If someone would start clipping out all of those achingly long, drawnout silences during all of the dialogue, this would be a short, not a feature film! This isn't funny-bad. It's achingly, painfully bad. Generally, I watch a film at least twice. I'm not sure I could stay awake a second time since expectation was the only thing that made me hang in there the first time!
I agree with "one of the worst movies". I cannot think of a single redeeming factor, which is unusual for me since I generally try to defend most movies. Maybe I should tape this to see if it's a cure for my insomnia.
"How DARE you wake me up in the middle of the day when you know I have insomnia!"~Flesh for Frankenstein
A masterpiece? It's a piece of something all right. A number of previous posters have said it much better than I ever could, but I will go one further than the others on this string. I believe this to be not just ONE of the worst, but actually THE WORST FILM I have EVER had the misfortune of stumbling across, made all the worse because of the tremendous potential that was wasted. This is a completely pointless, worthless, steaming pile of "don't waste your time."
Go rent another John Turturro movie, "Box of Moonlight" THAT is a masterpiece.
It's pretty bad all right. I just caught it on cable, and it seemed intriguing at first. Problems soon began, however, as I realized the monotone feel and glacial pacing were going to last through the whole thing. No highs and lows.
This director needs to learn about pacing, but he probably doesn't care. There is an arrogance about this film, as though his point was to antagonize the audience, not draw them into something interesting.
Every single character seems to be suffering from acute depression. They...speak...very...slowly, mumbling their boring lines. They don't react to each other. They barely seem to realize someone else is in the room.
Ah well. These are the dangers of watching something you've never heard of...
I just saw the film too, always had wanted to see it, I'm a BIG psychological thriller buff. . . especially when there's some kind of twist. . . and to tell you the truth I was highly disappointed. I had thought about renting this movie every time I'd see it on the block buster shelves and now I'm glad I didn't.
What a complete and utter waste of time... It's really laughable when I see 9 out of 10 people expressing (mostly thoughtful) views about why this film is so terrible, and then 1 out of 10 (mostly self appointed pseudo-intellectuals) proclaiming that the rest of us are simply ignorant and naive, and are only satisfied by Die Hard-like action flicks with lots of explosions. Really... grow up.
There are hordes of great psychological thrillers out there, and plenty of artistic masterpieces, this film yearns to be both but is sadly neither. It's one of those movies that keeps you watching, endlessly dangling the promise of answers to the oh so many questions it creates, but never delivering on any of them. Rather it just leaves you with more questions, particularly at the end. Reminds me of a mythical will-o-the-wisp, with it's fluttering glow mimicing the light at the end of tunnel, leading a lost adventurer deeper into a dark cave instead of the entrance.
Of course none of these reviews really matter, since the odds are very high that anybody reading them has already seen the movie (probably just watched it), and they aren't here to get opinions and make a decision as to whether they should rent it, buy it, or watch it on cable. Rather most of the people are here to find answers that are nowhere to be found, especially with respect to the ending. All I have to say is good luck with that...
For the handful of people that might be here looking for opinions to help decide whether to watch, rent, or purchase this movie, and I can only offer mine. I implore you not to waste your time. But, everybody is entitled to their opinion, so feel free to watch it and form your own.
So here's my take, for what it's intent is not to tell people they didn't get it, or they're stupid. It's just my take. First of all, the pacing. Okay, it moved slowly. It was co-written by Hubert Selby, Jr. If you don't know, he's the guy who penned the novel that "Requiem For A Dream" was based on. Great movie, amazing book. But the book didn't move as quickly as the movie. Quite dense at times, a bit disjointed, but a great book. So, Selby wrote this movie like he writes his books. Ok. Fine. Worst movie? No. Not by far. Worst movie, there's a tie: Strip N Run and Epic Movie. Jesus. Watch those, and compared to them, this is the *beep* Godfather. As for this movie: Average.
I loved this movie, admittedly the movie is a bit on the slow side, but for people here to say that this is the "worst movie of all time" is just so wrong. John Turturro's preformance is a masterclass, and for me one of his best. The ending of the movie is what seems to be winding people up, but the director wants us to think for ourselves, and for us to continue to discuss and debate the film long after we have seen it.
I would also recommend to the people that did not like this first time, to give it another viewing,maybe a few more times,and not be too hung up on the answers to the questions it poses.
The cinematography is excellent. The soundtrack is compelling. The acting is some of the most expert you will see in any film. The way the lead character's grief and obsession is portrayed is perfectly realistic, which only sets up the strange events later in the film as something even more alien. The landscapes are strange characters in their own right. I felt like I was right there inside those buildings and, eventually, inside that head.
By the way, you are welcome to your opinion. But to express it in such a childish way reduces to nil any respect I might have for you.
This movie's suck factor pales in comparison to the coffee shop intellectuals on the other thread talking about "us", and how we just don't have the adult sophistication required to appreciate a movie as fine as this.
Those are the kind of people I like to poke in the forehead and see how fast they don't mind that I did so.