Bad make up

The process to make Tom Clarke and Eric Crawford old was terrible! You could see that their "cheeks" were fluffy and "swallen". It was disaponting coming from a Spielberg production.


I disagree. They weren't suppose to be so old that their faces would be super thin. Tom would've only been about 67 when the story ended & Eric would've only been about 50 when he died. We first see Tom, along with Sally & Becky in 1947, when Tom looked to be about 12. That means he was born in 1935. The story ended in 2002. That makes him 67. In the scene where Ann is looking for the artifact in Owen's office, she realizes it's probably in his safe. After thinking for a moment, she decides the combination is probably Sam's birthdate because he is Owen's favorite son. She says aloud that it's something-something-51. Meaning of course that Sam was born in 1951. So even if he lived until the end of the story, he would've only been 51 & he was older than Eric. About a year I think. Judging by the way they looked as kids


I'm watching it again & apparently Eric was the oldest of the Crawford boys. Right before Owen dies, Sam & Eric get into an argument & Sam talks about their dad crapping on Eric for 21 years. If Sam was born in 1951, he would've only been 19 at that point. That means Eric was 53 when he died


I don't think anyone can complain about how bad aging make up is now that "Prometheus" has come out. Nothing is as bad as Guy Pearce as Weyland.
