Things You Learned from watching Taken
1) If you are out for a walk or drive and come across a crashed flying saucer, or some unusual piece of metal, it's best to leave it alone, go quickly back the way you came and don't mention it to anyone!
2) If a man starts dating the daughter of his boss, he's probably just after a promotion.
3) Having an obsession with flying saucers could bring an end to your marriage.
4) Taking more than ten years to research something could land you up in a new post above the arctic circle, just before Christmas!
5) If one of your parents worships your sibling but treats you the opposite way, spending your entire life trying to impress them won't make any difference.
6) If you write books for a living, always keep in mind that someone close to you may one day completely undermine your beliefs!
7) If you decide to organise a UFO Sightings group at your local college, have everyone searched for concealed weapons before they enter.
8) If you have a non-cancerous tumour in your head that no one can identify, take care when spending a weekend with someone of the opposite sex in a hotel, as it could be a tracking device!
9) Taking your new girlfriend to show your firm's confidential department is a silly thing to do, especially if her brother is strongly opposed to the nature of your firm's business.
10) If you wake up one day finding you are pregnant but can't remember how it happened, visit a hypnotist to find out.