Similarities with Heroes
Have just binged watched all 4 series of Heroes as well as Taken, and have noticed a few similarities:
1) Getting one of the characters to narrate the 'previously on Heroes/Taken' line
2) Using their power either killed/made very sick Jacob/Allie on Taken and Hiro on Heroes
3) Jesse Keys was a paramedic and put himself into crazy situations as he knew he couldn't get hurt, just like Peter on Heroes
4) the whole 'the world isn't ready for People like us' theme running through it
5) a government conspiracy to cover things up
6) the bending of space/time shown by Allie on Taken and Hiro on Heroes
There are more, but can't remember them off the top of my head. Wonder if the guys who did Heroes 'borrowed' a few ideas from this series?
Te futueo et caballum tuum