
omg i used to love the ppg!
do they still play it? if not r there any episodes online?



There were a lot in Youtube and they had to force Users to delete it but if they don't, Youtube will ban those Users that upload the Episodes. Despite such thing, we still upload them.

Some countries have the Powerpuff Girls officially canceled and that is a bad, bad, bad thing. If you still love them, I suggest you go make a Petition and I meant what I said, go make a Petition as I made a lot myself.

But if you want to give up, I strongly suggest you don't do so. Once a Powerpuff Girls Fan, ALWAYS a Powerpuff Girls Fan. You must have FAITH in the Powerpuff Girls because I always do and I am having lots of it on them more than now. So for old times' sake...


When you think you lost Hope, you also lost Wisdom, Mercy, Strength, Light, Love & Friendship.
