Season 5 - kind of a let down
I've been gradually working my way through the show, and now nearing the end of Season 5. I'd been looking forward to this one as so many people say "wait til 5 - 5-7 are the best".
So far though I've found it the worst season. There aren't as many interesting b-story cases (that I enjoyed in the earlier seasons), but more importantly, the IAD stuff with Kavanaugh is excruciatingly stupid at times. The lengths he goes to is ridiculous, without any evidence. The whole Crawley investigation, when he takes them back to the crime scene, and invites Crawley's brother along too, to get all upset? Without ANY evidence against Mackey except a hunch? Its just ridiculous. Also, Whitakers acting gets annoying showy at times, staring between words with his mouth open, twitching his weird eyelid.
I liked Acaveda or Rawlings as captains, the prioritising and tensions balancing whether the ends justifies the means was interesting - but with dorky Billings, that whole thing is just pushed aside. He doesn't show any power, decisiveness or influence whatsoever.
I much preferred it when the team were working towards positive goals and making breakthroughs. Being constantly on the defense to stupid accusations and niggling from Kavanaugh isn't much fun to watch at all.
I guess I'm just confused as to why people rate this season so highly?