Low IMDB Scores

I know there's already a question like this but I was wondering why The Shield has such low scores. Before I had seen the show it had high scores, but now the scores are extremely low. The individual episodes have dropped, (for example, On Tilt 9.5-8.5). The Shield isn't bad, and this isn't the only show it has happened to. Usually the shows go back up to what the scores were before the drop, but The Shield has stayed the same for awhile, this is odd especially since it has an 8.7.
P.S. I've also seen The Shield has had votes taken away, not sure why this happened? Any information would be great.


A troll named YouMad and a few of his loser buddies voted several episodes of the show down several years ago bedcause they didn't like it. They (and others) probably still go out of their way to do so.


I remember You Madd. he still around? I had it out with him a few times.


Haven't seen him anywhere for a long time. I consider myself blessed.


A lot of idiot trolls on here having way too much time on their hands.


It seems to me that the ones that are checking scores for individual episodes and whining about how low they are are the ones with too much time on their hands. Who gives a *beep*


I don't know, I have come to respect IMDb as a good source, from the community poll point of view. This is one of the few shows that suffers from the hackers. No other show has this. And a lot of people pay attention to ratings and things like that because this is one of the most popular websites for this kind of stuff, and again I say one of the most respectful at least.

But no one bothered to fix the ratings on this show. I'm guessing because it's very underrated and no one really pays attention to it, which is a shame.

But yes the rankings used to be all in the high 80s or low 90s for every episode before these trolls hit
