MovieChat Forums > The Shield (2002) Discussion > Vic's family relocation in finale, is it...

Vic's family relocation in finale, is it legal or even plausible?!


You know, when Claudette suggests putting them in federal witness protection program just to get back at Vic, and Olivia gleefully goes along.

I mean, how is that legal, or even possible?
- Witness Protection is to protect witnesses in federal cases. They are NOT testifying against anybody nor are they confidential informers. So how can she possibly get the OK and funding for relocation them (that is very expensive, new identities have to be set up for all the family), especially after destroying both her and her boss' careers by giving Vic full immunity on a cop killing?
- Since Vic hasn't been convicted of anything nor is he under investigation whatsoever (his immunity deal cleared him 100%), how can they LEGALLY refuse him access to his kids? Isn't that kidnapping by his wife, and accessory to kidnapping by Olivia? He's not been accused of domestic violence even, so how can they possibly deny him access? His deal is NOT voided in any way if he fights this (nowhere did she ever state that, and the conditions of his deal were settled BEFORE the relocation was suggested, so it cannot be added later).

So what am I missing?


You're missing his confession. Olivia can probably argue that Vic is far too dangerous to be allowed around children and that his wife is terrified of what he might do.

You are sin.


What confession?

Unless he has to testify in court against Ronnie (or on his behalf), that confession is SEALED. Otherwise the immunity from ICE is pointless.

It cannot be used against him in any court (criminal or civil).


The confession Olivia recorded and Claudette overheard.

It can't be used to prosecute him, and it's not. Doesn't mean it can't be used against him in other ways.

And I don't recall anyone saying it was sealed. Just immune to prosecution.


"The confession Olivia recorded"

And every time they use it against him he can use it right back against them, reminding everyone ICE cut a deal with a cop killer. About as appealing as the Homolka immunity deal in Canada.

That sword cuts both ways as long as Olivia and her boss care about their careers.


Yes, they know that. That's why they stuck him behind a desk for 3 years filing 10 page reports.

You are sin.


That's why I'm asking if that idea (relocation) was plausible.

I mean, he does smile at the very end before walking out of the office...


In the real world, it might not be. But in the world of the Shield where there's all kinds of behind the scenes political moves and deals, I'd say it is.

I'll have to rewatch the ending. I honestly don't remember him smiling.

You are sin.


He smirks, while holding his gun, right before he puts it back in its holster (behind his pants that is) and storms out.
