MovieChat Forums > The Shield (2002) Discussion > Why so few ratings (and mostly below 8 a...

Why so few ratings (and mostly below 8 average)?

Just watching the whole series for the first time. After BB I thought I'm not gonna be hooked on a TV-Series that much for a while....but then came "The Shield". Wow....what a fantastic series! Probably the best Cop (Drama) Series I've ever seen. Currently watched Episode "Mum" of Season 3...pretty shocking (in a good way).

What I do not understand are the few ratings. Mostly below 1000 votes. And even more so: Why are most of the eps rated below 8? Yes, some eps are not as great as others. But most of them are great. At least an 8. Did some guys just downvote this for fun?? I just wonder.....

"Pizz on you and pizz on your law!"
- Rubber Duck (Convoy)-

  


You're only on season 3? *beep* friend, you ain't seen nothing yet.


You hit the nail, some random poster named YouMad got some of his friends to downvote the show because he deemed one of the seasons too racist. The show as a whole used to have a stable 9.3-9.4/10 for years after it ended, which is a much more reasonable score.

Glad you're enjoying the show thus far, keep us updated! Seasons 5-7 is some of the best television I've watched.


Ok, that makes sense. Stupid....but makes sense.

I'll keep you guys posted after each season I finish. I'll be done with Season 3 today or tomorrow. Looking very much forward to season 5-7. Heard only good things. Even though I still think - great reviews and ratings aside - that this series is underrated or not appreciated enough. Every other series today gets hyped ... but only very few hold up to the quality of "The Shield".

"Pizz on you and pizz on your law!"
- Rubber Duck (Convoy)-

  
