So aliens, to whom ordinary water is corrosive, invade a planet that is 70% WATER!

But it turns out they're after humans to harvest.

But humans are 70% WATER, TOO!!!

Don't defend this stupid movie with dumb reasoning, shitheads! This movie sucks, and so does MNS!


Coal and diamonds are both carbon... They're not the same thing

Feces and your lunch today are both mostly water, but one would make you sick, while the other makes you ill...

What is a MNS?


"Coal and diamonds are both carbon... They're not the same thing"
That doesn't wash for a movie like Gremlins, neither. I mean, the Mogwai/Gremlins multiply with water, yet can walk on SNOW without being affected? When body heat MELTS snow as well!?!

"What is a MNS?"
Shyamalan, the director. And stop defending his trash like this!


This is a stupid movie in general, but actually the thing I hate the most are those two kids, especially the boy, I wanted to hit him across the face every time he opened his stupid mouth.

The religious message was also poorly done nor was it even necessary. This entire movie is build up for a huge payoff that never happens, Shamyalan movie are often synonymous with ruined orgasms IMO.


The Sixth Sense is his only decent movie, but I liked The Visit, too.


I’ve seen The Sixth Sense, Signs, The Village and The Happening. I hate all of them except The Sixth Sense and even then it’s not one of my favorites


I saw The Village and thought WTAF?
I haven't seen The Happening yet.


My big wtf moment in the village was those guys just leave a blind girl in the middle of the woods because they got too scared. And the Happening is so bizarre it almost has to be seen to be believed, Mark Whalberg is laughably horrible in it.


you hate this you hate that, you wanta punch a little kid in a movie. thinking your Dad probably thought of you as a "Ruined orgasm"


Chill the hell out dude. It was a metaphor and those kids are fictitious


i loved those kids


Good for you, I’m happy for you


"This is a stupid movie in general, but actually the thing I hate the most are those two kids, especially the boy, I wanted to hit him across the face every time he opened his stupid mouth. "

Are you in therapy? Because you should be.


If you think that a persons criticism of a bad movie warrants therapy then you are the one who needs therapy.


You didn't criticize the movie, you said you wanted to hit someone - children, no less - because you didn't like them.


They aren’t real numb nuts and the fact that you can’t distinguish between real and fictitious just further emphasizes my previous point


"numb nuts, ruined Orgasms" wanting to punch fictitious kids, how old are you 497


Old enough to recognize that you need serious help.


I've been told I show signs of needing this Help you speak of


Go find a therapist you loser


still not the one wanting to punch fictitious kids


Who cares? They aren’t real. The fact that you are so concerned about made up people further proves my point


I don't, really & even attempted to ease the banter with a joke.


Still mad Biden fell down the stairs?


Lol he’s not taking my guns, I keep them upstairs
