MovieChat Forums > Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) Discussion > Desperado is excellent, this sucks.

Desperado is excellent, this sucks.

Desperado was such a tighter, cooler, concise and fun movie than this abomination. Totally sucked in the cinema when it was released, and having just given it another chance on TV, it still sucks. Shame cause I re-watched DESPERADO last week and loved it, but this was nowhere near as good. If Rodriguez was trying to pull off a Good, Bad and the Ugly epic third movie to his 'Dollars' trilogy then it didn't work.
There is none of the Antonio Banderas and Salma fun and frolics of the first movie.
Couldn't find anything to enjoy in this film. Avoid!


Agent Sands is what to enjoy in this film, he makes it, and is the only thing that makes it watchable.. its the age old thing.. Depp is the best thing in many a mundane film.. unfortunately, in a sense, Agent Sands is such a great character, it makes the film one worth watching, despite all the other bits of it.

“Since 'tis Nature's law to change, Constancy alone is strange”


The first part of the trilogy "El Mariachi" was even better. Saw back to back on HBO in India and really these were better.



Desperado is definitely better but this DON'T SUCK.

it's still good just not as good.

-Desperado = 8/10
-Once Upon A Time In Mexico = 7/10 (still good but lacks something. i think it's mostly that Banderas/Hayek somewhat take a back seat to other characters like Depp that hurts the film in a way)

My Vote History ...


this movie was cheese on a stick thats wat sucked


Yeah, that's what it was. Since there were soo many other characters, Hayek & Banderas kinda had to share the screen.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


a response to my initial post in here over 5 years now ago...

-Desperado (1995) - 7.5-8/10 (which makes it within my Top 150 movies in general)
-Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) - 4-4.5/10 (below average)

i just re-watched both (Feb 13th and Feb 14th 2016) and Desperado held steady unlike Once Upon a Time in Mexico which i consider to be below average now and i won't be re-watching that anymore for sure.

p.s. the only movies of any real worth from the director are... Desperado (1995) (7.5-8/10) and Machete (2010) (7/10).

My Top 100-ish Movies of All-Time! =


i thought this one was better!




Depends on how you look at it.
RR has said this film was an 'experiement'. He was trying out new technology, etc.
For an 'experiment''s pretty damn impressive. Don't agree? Why not 'experiment' in film-making yourself and post the results?

As for a sequel to Desperado. Yes it's 'lacking'. But there is reason for that too.
Selma was not available for the full shoot and RR only had her for a few days. He even admits he had to rewrite and change his original idea.

So for an 'experiment' and a picture he had to improvise a lot on....It's pretty damn good.

RR has even said there is a 'missing film' between Desperado and Mexico.
I hope he makes it someday...though I know it will not happen.

This is a fun, action romp.

Jesus died for our sins. As he's already dead...sin away.


Experimenting with new cameras, filters, lenses, and a then-new HD format doesn't qualify this movie as "an experiment". A movie can still be well-written and edited regardless of experimentation with equipment...this was not.

And if this movie was well-written and edited, it would still be awesome. But it falls short, and new/different cameras and equipment are no excuse for that.


I prefer this to Desperado though I love the entire trilogy.

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl


the ultra amount of cheese, sparks and flying crap destroy this movie WTF it's like watching power rangers
