Okay, I saw this movie a LOOOOONG time ago, so a lot of it is pretty vague. However, I came in on the last 20-30 minutes of the movie just the other day, and none of it jogged my memory. I DO remember "Leticia" moving in with "Hank" because she got put out of her home. I do NOT, however; remember the part at the end where she finds drawings in Hank's home??? Once these drawings were discovered, she started crying. What did these drawings symbolized? Who drew them? And why didn't "Leticia" say something to "Hank" about it at the end since it seemed to bother her so much? Instead, they sat on the porch eating ice cream.
Sorry, but I can't remember much of this movie since I only seen it once when it came out in 2001. I've been trying to catch it again on cable, but I've had no such luck.
thats funny, this is exactly the question i just came here to post.
i just saw the movie in this moment (few minutes ago) on tv.
i liked it that those two came together, and then she found these pictures and realized that her executed husband has drawn hank and his son, obviously he knew him, probably she understood hank (and son) were his guards, maybe even executioners.
and she looked like really going crazy about this. crying etc. ...
first when she came down i thought she is going to shoot him. and then was this scene with the three graves. what was that all about ? there was his son, and probably his mother and his wife buried. but what did this mean to her ?
(btw., do all americans bury their dead family in the backyard? this would not even be allowed here in europe).
did hankl meet her really accidently ? or did he see her at jail (when visitining her husband) and then wanted to meet her? was his driving by after the accident with her son really coincidence ? or was even HE the driver that hit her son?
HE seemed to know who she is, since he didnt seem to be amazed when she showed him the paintings of her husband. he wasnt amazed, and HE SAID NOTHING. ok, you could say he found out by her name when he drove her home from hospital first time. but still he didnt mention the fact that he knew her husband. that is suspicious (at least i would think that if i were her).
in my oppinion in this moment on the stairs she decided to leave, thats what it seemed like to me. at least (if not even harm him). but then she sat down with hank eating ice and saying not a word about this. saying nothing at all ...
but staring at him in a strange way. it looked weird to me, not as if everything was still ok. not friendly. not at all.
my question :
what do you believe where her thoughts ? did she want to leave ? would she leave shortly after ?
what wanted the movie to tell us with this ? what was she thinking (about her finding out her husband knew hank and he didnt tell) ?
what was this end all about ? what did the director/the writer want to tell us ?
it looked to me as if she was desillusioned the moment she found those pictures, but maybe this end wanted to say something else ?
one could think maybe she thought it is a good thing as hank would try to make something good (after the bad life he lived as an executioner).
but, to be honest, i had not the impression that she liked it. and the way she looked at him at the end on these steps didn't look friendly to me. i'd say : desillusioned at best, stunned, but hating it.
i dont think i really understood the end of this movie.
was she about to leave or not ?
what where her thoughts about hank knowing (executing member of) her dead husband ?
Sorry, but like I said, I only saw the last 30 minutes of it, and I haven't watched the movie in its entirety since 2001. Since we were NOT shown anything beyond those two eating ice cream, I guess we can only SURMISE that she left; killed him; confronted him; etc. I can't see her being upset about the execution. Her husband was convicted and sentenced to death, and it was Hank's job to carry out what had to be done. BUT, all the points you brought up makes me think: Why hadn't Hank mentioned any of this? And yes, was HE the one who killed her son by hitting him with the vehicle? I remember in the beginning of the movie where Leticia is fussing at her son to not walk so close to the road because he was almost hit before. Was it Hank who almost hit him before? (I don't remember the car or driver, etc...I only remember her complaining of the boy walking too close to the road. It may not have been Hank, but someone else.)
You brought up a lot of good questions, but this was one of those movies where writers leave it up to the viewers to "figure it out," even though there seems to be no right or wrong answers here. Your guess is as good as anyone elses.
yes, it was Hank that drove by the boy some time ago when Letitia told the kid not to that again (not to walk ON the road). looks like the kid used to do this, and Hank saw that, he was the guy that drove by.
on the other hand, i dont really think he was the one that hit the kid, because he would have had to go around, and i suppose, Letitia would have recognized the car that hit her son. she wasnt stupid.
why did he not tell her? well, as soon as he fell in love with her he didnt tell her because he was afraid she would leave him right away.
he recognized it latest when she showed him the pictures that her husband painted. and told him he was executed "overthere in Jackson" or whatever the name was. that moment he knew all. was he already in love with her that moment? maybe not, maybe only a little, and probably he was already afraid if he tells, she'd kick him out and he would never see her again.
in the beginning, hank behaved as a racist, but i do not think he REALLY was a racist. i think he was only doing as his father, a real racist, expected from him. he just behaved "as a good son" without thinking too much about it (which is always bad). thats no excuse, though, but its at least a difference between a real racist and a follower. in his heart, as it seems, he was no racist. (on the other hand : the way he behaved towards his son was pretty bad, i see no excuse for that).
at least he kicked his racist-daddy out, thus freeing himself.
you havent seen the whole movie? go ahead, do it, its worth it.
btw., i dont see a problem in that relationship because of race (as some others do). i do, though, see a problem because of age. Hank was a lot older than Letita, i think she was closer to the age of his son than to his age. and this would in reality be a real problem. this is not good, but thats the way it usually is.
The drawings were made by her husband of Hank and his son while her husband was on death row. She was upset that Hank was a corrections officer who played a part in his execution.
I think the last scene with them eating ice cream showed she was ready to move on from her previous life and start a new one with Hank. She no longer "blamed" him for what he did.
To me, when she sees the pictures she's upset and pissed at him for possibly knowing who she is and taking advantage of her. But she sees the graves outside, and realizes he's had people die too, and that he's as hurt, screwed up, and needy as she is. She thinks about what they have and how nice he's been and realizes his relationship with her husband's death doesn't have to be the end of their relationship. And accepts it.
I guess that is a pretty good interpretation of the last scene.
But to me the last scene was a major disappointment. The drawings worked as a big set-up in the plot of the film, and when she finally found them in the ending, I expected more of a pay-off. Just minutes after she discovered that she was now living with the man who "killed" her husband, she was peacefully sitting and eating icecream with him. I loved the movie, but the ending didn't work for me.
Here's how I viewed it (& I never really thought Halle was a OMG! BEST ACTRESS EVER!):
The last shot of her face, the way her expression flitted through the emotions, was what pulled me in. Her face told me the main decisions that she needs to make:
1) Should I confront him but then lead a life where I have no place to live, be alone prob. for the rest of my life, and live the way I was living with a high % of a bleak (no?) promising future? Should I go back to the PAST?
2) Should I keep it to myself? Give myself a shot of for a new life, which may or may not be with this man who basically killed my former hubby/lover/boyfriend dead & father of my dead child, have a chance of... contentment, maybe, see a different future, maybe give me a lil' hope for my life? Should I take this chance for my FUTURE?
Obviously, it's not as cut and dry as I presented it because I think she would have to eventually confront him as their relationship progresses. But IMO, she did the right thing by not doing it AT THAT MOMENT (end of the movie). It's ambiguous, but I LOVED it. There was a sense of "hope," if you will. Halle's expression just WOWed me there. It's very subtle but I literally can FEEL what was going through her head, the decision she was presented with.
This movie wasn't all that "interesting" t/o but the ending alone made this an instant fave for me. + yeah. I liked the sex scene ;) There was something so... genuine? RAW? Desperately passionate? about it. IDK, it was a "hit me in the gut" type of sex scene for me.