MovieChat Forums > Monster's Ball (2002) Discussion > Lawrence - how did such a good painter e...

Lawrence - how did such a good painter end up criminal?

We dont really get to know about Lawrence much in this movie, only that he is criminal, who apparently murdered someone. Of course by the way his family had suffered you could tell, things had gone wrong long time ago.

But then, we see his a pretty good painter. Was he once a painter in his life, or was it just a hobby or habit he started while in prison? If he was decent enough with the pencil maybe he could have earned living this way, rather than being a criminal.


His life underscores the cries and wails of the African-American community: why do so many black men die; why did my son or dad or uncle or brother have to die?

His talent is a symbol of the potential in all men--in this instance, black men--that will never be used or realized. And as much, it is a stark, universal reality heaped on many in all of history, from Willie Loman to Alexander the Great: some men never achieve all they are capable of because of their own demons and their own choices.

His talent indicates the fact that he chose to commit his crime or crimes, rather than use his talent.


Crime is not a result of economic circumstances. There are plenty of artistic murderers and madmen. Hitler himself, in addition to being a vegetarian, was an artist. There are plenty of talented people who succumb to the call of their social worlds and pathologies.


Seriously? You think that painting is going to pay the bills for a poor black man in the south? You think that the art ferry flies around buying up obscure pieces of art from nobodies?


I got the impression that he might have picked up drawing while in prison.
It could be that the talent for drawing was always in him but he only realized this while he was in jail.

By the way... Star Wars prequels suck!!
