why the death sentence

The last thread was called "executed for what" and it veered off into a long discussion on ethnicity and the death penalty. It was way too long to sift through to find the answer. Does anyone know? I missed a few minutes in the beginning, Does anyone think there was an implication that Diddy may have have been convicted though innocent?


I don't think he was innocent. When he speaks to his son for the last time, he tells him he shouldn't want to be like him because he's a bad person. If he admitted to his son that he's a bad person, he must be guilty of something.

I don't think it's ever explained in the film what he did.


In a lot of movies and TV shows they talk about death row inmates that lawyers are fighting for and there's some rumblings about how they're actually innocent. But the fact of the matter is that most people who are on death row actually did it. It's actually a joke among lawyers. Walk into a prison and shout out "Who's in here who didn't do it" and they'll all claim to the innocent, then the lawyer will say "But they're all actually guilty."



But they still technically committed the crime, even if you don't agree that the crime should be on the books. I also never said that people didn't get commit crimes and get away with them. The legal system is written to make it hard to convict somebody unless their guilty, not to make it impossible to get away with a crime if you commit.

That's also not to say that the system doesn't come down too hard on people for minor crimes at times.


One thing that I just thought of that I thought I should add that's an interesting difference between the races:

-When a white guy is accused of killing a black guy, everybody in the world loses their mind, and is already lynching him in the media. But usually, he'll get off on a technicality.

-When a black guy is accused of killing a white guy, nobody really cares and nobody hears about it. But he'll probably get the death penalty for it.

