MovieChat Forums > Monster's Ball (2002) Discussion > The problem with the portrayal of black ...

The problem with the portrayal of black female sexuality

There needs to be more diversity in the sexuality of black women in the mainstream cinema. It seems like black women are either asexual ball breakers or slutty. There doesn't seem to be that middle ground? It seems the sexuality of black women only contains two extremes.

Black women (as in not mixed race) are rarely cast as love interests or in role where there sexuality is sensual as opposed to nasty. Would people still say that Halle Berry's character in MB was demeaning, if she had been white,Asian or Hispanic(a non black Hispanic)? Probably not because unlike black women, they receive better representation (especially white women) of their sexuality.

I think things are changing, but black women need to be allowed to have a balanced portrayal of their sexual identity. What I mean is black women need more parts that are love interests, alongside films such as Monsters Ball.


I'm more of a breakfast for lunch type of girl.


You aren't going to like the answer, but to put it simply mainstream media isn't attracted to pure black women. Light skinned with "white" features are fine, but a real black woman....other than "black" movies or comedies they just aren't what audiences want.

But the same can be said of Asian and Hispanic too. The mixed version is welcomed in mainstream media but nobody wants the true, real look.

I hope you don't think I'm saying it's what I want, I just wanted to give you a straight answer. Berry is a talented actress, but no way she would be where she is today without that look she has. Which is, pretty much not looking like a real black woman.


I already know the answer and you haven't said anything that we as black women know be true. Its the same thing with Asian men, who are almost never love interests, only Asian men have the advantage of being men and men aren't as objectified as women. With Hispanic women (the non black/white ones)and Asian women, they receive better representation on the love interest front than black women. So even though your right that the more Anglo a person of colour is, its not the same thing that black women face.

I'm more of a breakfast for lunch type of girl.


And yet your avatar is a white woman.


You aren't going to like the answer, but to put it simply mainstream media isn't attracted to pure black women. Light skinned with "white" features are fine, but a real black woman....other than "black" movies or comedies they just aren't what audiences want.

But the same can be said of Asian and Hispanic too. The mixed version is welcomed in mainstream media but nobody wants the true, real look.

I hope you don't think I'm saying it's what I want, I just wanted to give you a straight answer. Berry is a talented actress, but no way she would be where she is today without that look she has. Which is, pretty much not looking like a real black woman.

Despite being mixed, Halle Berry looks like a black woman. She does not look that different from say, Nia Long or Malinda Williams, two other pixie cut haired black women. Just a few shades lighter.

Lots of black actresses who aren't well known outside of 'black' movies (like Gabrielle Union, Sanaa Lathan, etc). are sex symbols as well. Just obviously underrated ones.
