I know a few people have already been discussing the sex scene in this film on the message board.... I want to discuss sex scenes in OTHER films - ones that are gritty and realistic like this one.
Now I know a few of you think that the sex in this film was real, but lets just say it's simulated and that the actors were just great actors in this scene.
Are there any other sex scenes in films that you rate highly from an acting point of view? Sex scenes that really tell a story and add to the drama of the film? Sex scenes that are not erotic, but beautiful?
there's a couple of sex scenes in Shame that look almost painful to watch, like an addict injecting heroin. And it looked real too. As for acting, it's Fassbender! he's pretty damn good.
There is a sex scene in the 1988 film "Colors." A black guy is porking a black girl like there is no tomorrow. Unfortunately, while the guy is still going strong, the police burst in and waste the guy. Th cops thought he was going for his gun, when actually he was just moving to put his pants on.
Afterwards the black gang, including the girl who got dorked, sit sround and talk about it. The black dudes wonder how the cops can mistake a dude going for his pants from going for a gun. (Who knows? Going to put his pants on may have confused the trigger hungry cops; also, they may have mistaken his wet noddle for a gun.)
But the black gang immediately put the blame on Pacman, the name the gang has given to the character played by Sean Penn, a young cop who is quite aggressive and (to them) mean spirited in his work. The black dudes put a contract out for Pacman, except this is not a traditional contract as in the white man's world. They just want to "put the bite on Pacman's asxxs."
Glad you liked my comment. Do you believe that is a synopis of the entire movie? Just because a black guy was porking a black girl, and the black bad guys wanted to put a bite on Pacman's assks?
There's a scene in Tigerland where Collin Ferrel and Matt Davis bond by banging two girls they pick up at a bar. Between the acting and sound effects, it's pretty realistic.
Romper Stomper but rumor has it that the two actors were drunk and actually had sex. They were a couple at the time.