Hit and Run!

I didnt understand how the boy got hit by a car, when it was raining, and it showed halle berry stealing a umbrella from the diner. So they had to be close to fit up under the umbrella, so if he got hit, it seems to me that she would have got hit too. But oh well, its just the movies, maybe we analyze things to much! What yhall think?



Earlier in the movie, we see that Letecia's son Tyrell had a habit of wandering off oblivious to traffic and a car horn honked to warn them both. She smacked him around and warned him about it.
The fact that she stole the umbrella on her way out is an interesting character trait, especially since she worked at that diner.


<<The fact that she stole the umbrella on her way out is an interesting character trait, especially since she worked at that diner.>>

I think it is meant to show how desperately poor she is. She can't afford a car, she can't even afford an umbrella, but she wants to try to keep her and her son dry, so she steals an umbrella. I don't think she is a kleptomaniac (there is nothing to indicate that), a person who steals things all the time just to steal. She really needs to keep herself and her son dry (she can't afford to get sick and miss work, either), so she does what she has to.


it's made pretty obvious in the movie that this kid is playing with a few cards short of a full deck. he probably saw the car coming towards him at 50 MPH and thought it was a candy bar.


That candy bar comment made me lol.


I DID I lived in the south for 8 years and STILL are way behind time.... there are no side walks to walk on AND at night there are no street lights. There are grave markings everywhere on the sides of the road where people died getting hit by cars so I understood exactly what happened and yes the kid was most likely too far out in the street.


Wow, I walk all the time to go where I go...I'd probably be dead by now if i lived in the south.


you would probably especially if there are no flood or street lights at night yep in the souf youd been dead alright!!


wow. Your not joking.




Wow folks, I missed something there, or not. I'm going to have to find this in dvd and give it another watch. I thought the boy wound up in the hospital because of the brief beating he took from his mom because she caught him eating the candy bar(s). She was at the end of her rope, stressed out, etc., and went a bit too far and injured him internally--I thought. If there was something about a hit and run, I would have taken that as an excuse rather than actual event.

I've got to go find this and watch it again.


it's made pretty obvious in the movie that this kid is playing with a few cards short of a full deck. he probably saw the car coming towards him at 50 MPH and thought it was a candy bar.
LMAOOOOO!!!! That's hilarious xD xD

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Actually, it's not.

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."


I DID I lived in the south for 8 years and STILL are way behind time.... there are no side walks to walk on AND at night there are no street lights.

I live in the south now & I agree with ginlover. There are plenty of neighborhoods I've been to where there are no street lights. There are also plenty of roads & highways that are unlit. If someone is not wearing reflective clothing, they can not be seen at night until the car is very close. Add heavy rain to that & visibility is much worse.

The past 2 trips I took to FL involved traveling on a highway during heavy rain. Even though it was day time, the rain made visibility so poor that I could only see the lights of the car in front of me. I couldn't even see the white lines on the road. Many vehicles turned on their hazard lights & drove slowly. But some people continued at regular speed. During the first trip, after the rain stopped we bypassed four accidents & one of the accidents involved four cars.

So what happened to Tyrell is very possible. They were walking on a dark road during heavy rain. And Tyrell sometimes liked to run into the road instead of walking along the side of it, so he increased the risk of an accident. Also, we don't know if the driver of the vehicle was under the influence.



The boy was quite fat tbf, and was walking more close to road than his mother.


I just watched this and the first thing I thought of was Billy Bob had been the one that hit him, without realizing it, as he drove along, that night, in his trance.
And they were going to realize it in the end that it was him who had taken her husband and son. I kept waiting for them to notice a banged up fender and a recognition in his eye as to what had happened.


That fat ball would have crashed his car badly.
