MovieChat Forums > Dahmer Discussion > This movie deserves a blu-ray release.

This movie deserves a blu-ray release.

Dahmer's original aspect ratio is 1.85:1, but the DVD versions are all formatted to 1.33:1. Even when this plays on Showtime late at night it's presented in fullscreen format instead of widescreen.

I would seriously LOVE to have this on blu-ray in its original aspect ratio in high-definition. I wouldn't even mind if there weren't any special features included, since I already own the DVD and could just watch those on there. I mainly just want a copy of this on blu-ray so that I can watch it widescreen in HD.

Problem is, I don't think Dahmer has a big enough cult following that it would even be considered for a blu-ray release. This movie is so brilliant, and yet so underrated and unknown. Jeremy Renner has become extremely famous and popular over the past couple of years, so perhaps his growing fame might lead Dahmer to an eventual blu-ray release? I've got my fingers crossed!


I'm hoping Renner's new star power might lead to more interest in this film. It's pretty much the film that opened the flood gates for him. It's the film that made me a fan of him.



It's hard to believe that this is a ten year old movie already... and that Jeremy Renner has become a big time Hollywood star. Good for him. He was excellent in this.

And I totally agree about the blu ray release. I always thought that this was an excellent movie... It really takes you inside the mind of a serial killer.


The American release & the United Kingdom release are both 1.33:1 But the German release is 1.77:1 & the Scandinavian release is 1.78:1


I would like to see this and the three other serial killer films in a cheap little blu-ray box set. I say cheap cuz c'mon...Dahmer was good, Bundy was graphic, Gein was ok, and Gacy was barely watchable. Though NONE of them were accurate in their portrayal and were all quick cash ins for the dtv market. It is what it is.


Though NONE of them were accurate in their portrayal and were all quick cash ins for the dtv market.

Thanks for pointing that out. Movies about other serial killers besides Dahmer contain a lot of fiction. More people need to realize that every screenwriter and fictional television writer who tackles a serial killer case is going to use a lot of creativity. They have to pitch their screenplays in a competitive market. If you want more truth, watch a documentary whose makers advertise it as a documentary. Still not satisfied? Read blogs and examine web sites. Read legal briefs from a courthouse.

The Blu Ray format works awesomely for a work of fiction that depends heavily on visual graphics, editing and talented actors' facial expressions. An actor's eyes are very important.

A documentary can work very well without Blu Ray. The documentary possibly depends a lot on old Court TV footage that was not recorded with Blu Ray or high definition.

But the fictionalization that features Jeremy Renner deserves Blu Ray.


its on netflix in HD, looks ok, but what do I know, i'm just a gay.


Well, this movie is light years ahead of Ted Bundy (2002) and Gacy (2003) in my opinion. Ted Bundy was alright as a cheap exploitation film (it was directed by the same guy who did Freeway, which is another fun, trashy exploitation movie), but this movie actually had artistic intentions. Not saying that it was Citizen Kane, but for the budget that this film was made under they did a rather good job. The sound design, cinematography, and acting were all very solid in my opinion. The only thing that this film didn't do well was titillate and relish in the gorier aspects of Dahmer's crimes, which of course disappointed a lot of people expecting pure exploitation back in the day.
