This movie deserves a blu-ray release.
Dahmer's original aspect ratio is 1.85:1, but the DVD versions are all formatted to 1.33:1. Even when this plays on Showtime late at night it's presented in fullscreen format instead of widescreen.
I would seriously LOVE to have this on blu-ray in its original aspect ratio in high-definition. I wouldn't even mind if there weren't any special features included, since I already own the DVD and could just watch those on there. I mainly just want a copy of this on blu-ray so that I can watch it widescreen in HD.
Problem is, I don't think Dahmer has a big enough cult following that it would even be considered for a blu-ray release. This movie is so brilliant, and yet so underrated and unknown. Jeremy Renner has become extremely famous and popular over the past couple of years, so perhaps his growing fame might lead Dahmer to an eventual blu-ray release? I've got my fingers crossed!