MovieChat Forums > Dahmer Discussion > I love the ending!!!

I love the ending!!!

I'm doing a series of what I consider to be the most beautiful film endings of all time and Dahmer is my first one. You can check it out at my blog: f-all-time.html . :)

"The Mind is a Place of it's Own"


It's one of the best film endings I've ever seen. Haunting and tragic and beautifully done. A perfect ending.

To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best.


Perfectly said.
"The Mind is a Place of it's Own"


It is a beautiful ending indeed. It leaves me with an empty feeling, and maybe an unanswered questioans.

The souls of those who had died suddenly by suicide or accident don't realize they're dead




And that whole kinky s&m interracial gay *beep* in the last twenty minutes or so was very cheesy. I don't know if Jeffrey Dahmer did that *beep* in real life, but that crap was beyond ridiculous.

He did it. All of the sick crap you see Dahmer do is accurate.


OP WHY? Checked your entry out briefly, your one sentence of weird reasoning didn't convince me it's beautiful at all, let alone one of the most beautiful endings of all time (that's ridiculous). What followed in Dahmers life was pretty negative, I reckon most would agree. I was hoping you were going to mention some kind of intentional symbolism that I didn't pick up on, or clever use of camera.

You didn't. It was a s**t ending to a thoroughly S**T biopic imo. What are you talking about?


It is not the most beautiful ending of all time. But, it is effective.
In the past timeline, we see Dahmer after his first murder rejecting an
opportunity of help and disappearing into the woods. He is lost and alone.
I found it chilling. Sorry you did not like it.

But Kathryn Bigelow did like it and this role is why she cast Renner in....
The Hurt Locker. And that put him on the map.

'Let's eat Grandma!' or, 'Let's eat, Grandma!' Punctuation saves lives. Use it. Save a life.


I thought this had the worst ending of all time. I think 99% of people will agree to that.


I didn't like the ending. But now I understand it. I was hoping the end would feature his capture. I was half expecting Rodney to get away and call the police. I hoped for a big payoff at the end with an arrest. But the ending does fit the tone of the movie.


He walks off into his own personal abyss. I couldn't think of a better ending. Sure, we all know what happens once he's captured, so why show it in the movie?
