MovieChat Forums > Dahmer Discussion > Is There A Widescreen DVD Of This?

Is There A Widescreen DVD Of This?

Amazon shows both the Region 1&2 releases as 1:33:1, meaning full screen. Was it shot in that aspect ratio or is there just not a widescreen DVD yet?


Well, if I'm not screwin' up here, this film was a made for cable movie... I don't remember hearing about this playin' on the big screen...

Trust me,


I don't think that's the case as it has a MPAA rating and the film's official site has a short list of theatrical releases ( So it was on a few screens. Also I didn't see any of the usual cable channel production companies listed here.


I think it might've actually been shot using a widescreen aspect ratio because the movie had a small theatrical release, and its trailer is even in widescreen format. It would be nice if they released a widescreen DVD since I think it visually looks better that way. Hopefully the fullscreen version doesn't have too much of the sides chopped off! I hate it when they do that to movies. I'd rather be able to watch them in their original aspect ratios.


I know that this is a old post but you can buy a widescreen version from Amazon Germany. vd&ie=UTF8&qid=1346698537&sr=1-1

Here is the website I use for information on different releases in different countries. This website is mostly used to show which release has the best or most extras. This is the information on Dahmer


It's strange because the IMdb site lists the film as being a 1:33 aspect ratio.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


I have not a clue. I did buy a widescreen addition on DVD, but it was not widescreen, it was the regular full-screen size of my television.


'Oh look, it's that pointy earred bastard'


Netflix Instant is showing it in the 1:85 aspect rartio

You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude.


This was originally shot in a wider aspect ratio (1:88,if memory serves) for theatrical distribution, not a direct to video release as a previous poster suggested. I was working at a movie theater in Milwaukee that had plans to screen it, but there was a serious concern that it might be seen as very distasteful. Before the decision was made, a screener vhs cassette was shipped for press reviews. Not sure what aspect ratio that tape was in. It also had the title "The Mind Is a Place of Its Own".

Too bad it didn't get a run in theaters, as I think this is gem among the slew of serial killer "biopics" that came out around that time.
