Wow never have I loved the first 45-50 mins of a movie so much and HATED the last hour. WTF. Went from really SO SO SO SO STUPID. Was the whole Duddits angle even necessary. So corny. Why did these idiot characters need to be "telepathic"?
Stop watching once Morgan Freeman appears. Nothing good happens after.
i take it you've never read the book before? in the book Duddits is NOT at all an alien, he's human and he doesn't fight Mr. Grey. he's named that because like the creature Pennywise us humans never see his true shape. in fact in the book
they don't have a gender! Jonesy calls him that cause it's how he his brain shows him as. after seeing aliens on shows like the x-files where aliens are gray.
the book i loved in fact. i don't think Morgan freeman hurt the film, but than they changed more with his character than anything else. with him in the Book. known as Kurtz. he's more in the book than he is in the film. where he's insane yes but telepthy and sorry for my bad spelling, is much more of the plot than it is in the film. in the book Duddits does give them the ability but how it's explained at least how i took it, is that he has down syndrome and when they meet him as kids, they can understand what he's saying right off the bat cause of their ages. i think his mom said something like when they took him home, when they asked him why people make fun of him? his mom who's name escapes me at the moment. said something like
they are past the age of trying to understand or something like that. i forget what it is and she adds how she hopes they don't forget either. i forget what all she said to be honest. but they i think got the ability from being around him.
it's never really said how they got the ability like it does in the film. i may be wrong about this though cause it has been awhile since i read it. see my other threads on here somewhere. but in the book he's able to use telepathy with not only the guys, but his mom as well. it's explained so much better in the book.
for example one thing that's changed is how Kurtz and i call him that cause that's what his name is in the book. Morgan Freeman doesn't drive no helicopter in the book he from Maine to Mass. with 2 infected guys and his pilot drive from there to Mass. where the end of the film takes place. and
if you are infected you can hear other people's thoughts. you see in the film inside the barn. the infected that turns out the cold kills that infected and it's called Byrus. there are 2 forms that one and the one that can kill you which is the *beep* weasel. Henry & Owen both get infected with it. Henry cause he had an open cut that he had from the car accident. and being by the infected didn't help. and Owen cause in the book he's killing the aliens on the ground and not in the air. and he gets infected through all of that.
Pete doesn't die in the book from being ate. but by being infected by cutting himself from getting his booze. and what kills him was when Mr.Grey forcing the byrus to worsen for him when he wouldn't help him.
and he in fact makes it so bad for pete his skull cracks open with the byrus. by than he was unable to talk anyways. yes i'm leaving stuff out i'm sure.
but i love the book which i just read recently for the 1st time. and i also enjoy the film for what it is.
The book is one of my favourite King novels.... The movie is one of the worst butcherings of a novel adaptation I have ever seen. I don't know why they even really attempted it...the aliens were sentient spores, how are you supposed to convincingly bring that to the screen? I'm not a fan boy who needs everything to be translated verbatim, I understand that they're two different mediums and what works in a book won't necessarily work in a film. However, they made changes to this that were unnecessary regarding character traits, attitudes and demeanour. They were swapped around between the four boys as adults as if they were built from Lego blocks or something. They were four fully realized, interesting, unique individuals in the book, the film deconstructed them, shook them up and put them back together as if from a grab bag. It was pointless and did nothing to serve the film in a positive way. They should have been left as is so the writers could concentrate on a better depiction of alien spores and satisfying resolution. Looking at the resumes of the two screenwriters for this, I'm amazed it was such a steaming pile of sh!t. Makes me wonder how much the studio stuck it's nose in to screw it up.