MovieChat Forums > Cube 2: Hypercube (2003) Discussion > My God, this movie was horrible

My God, this movie was horrible

First of all, I'm not that standard internet retard who call a movie "The Worst Movie of All Times", and I sure I'm not going to call this one it.
I loved the original Cube, mostly because the gory traps and the tight story. So I heard that the sequiel will be based on dimensions and time and stuff. Instantly I pictured lot's of cool reality, dimension and time based traps, strange visuals ond lot's of death. What I got is horrible acting, horrible characters, bad "Hollywood Science", laughtable CGI, and a most disapointing ending. Not to mention the floating sexscene. The hell was that all about?

So in the end, I'm not saying it was the worst movie of all times, but definitely amongst the worst I ever say. And yes, I saw Plan 9 from Outer Space.



Well no, I haven't seen it yet, this movie made me afraid of it. Maybe I will see it when I ge tmy hands on it.



I agree, I just finished watching it and it's terrible, I liked Cube Zero.
Now I'm just gonna watch first movie :D



I disagree.
I thought CUBE 2 was better than CUBE ZERO

I think CUBE 2 has a lot of depth to it. You get a lot from the characters, and intresting story line and a clever ending. The crappy CGI wasn't good at all, but this film was low budget and I found it to be entertaining and full of lots of twists and turns. But to each is to own.

***-The CHEREST place on Earth!-***



I thought the ending was clever because of a few things.

1-You find out who Alex Trust really is, and I WOULD have never expected the blind girl to well you know.

2-The 'exporation' date thing. That had me guessing until I was ready to scream!

And finally 3-I love what happens to Kate. I mean who could see that coming? Plus, I think Kate was shot becuase she might leak out information and or think it was wrong.

I would love to see the extended ending, but unfortunatly I haven't :(

***-The CHEREST place on Earth!-***

