MovieChat Forums > Cube 2: Hypercube (2003) Discussion > Something about the begining.

Something about the begining.

I hadn't thought this up until I started to watch this movie on cable again ( I know some of you are going "WHY? WHY WOULD YOU WATCH THIS AGAIN!?" Lol I unno, I like all three cubes', this one is the least, but anyway. it's besides the point. :3 )

But you know how in the begining with Simon and Kate meet up, and he has his knife and he threatens her and what not, later while they're trying to follow one of the four max's (btw is it possible that they were all the same one just seconds apart? XD ) and then they get seperated. is it possible that she met up 'again' with a 'different' simon? not the one she passed?

Also, that made me also think, they could all be hiding their begining inside the cube, who knows maybe simon was already a cannabal in the begining, or the others already knew things and whatever. it could mean the whole begining of the 'cube' wasn't the 'real' cube. kate could have met any number of groups from any number of alternate realities who knew any numbers of things which makes you not really trust any of them. not that you had much reason to to begin with.

Secondly, how come there weren't any alternate sasha's? I mean she did 'sneak' into the cube I know that, 'supposedly' but wouldn't that mean there were still alternate realitys of her? couldn't there be more bodies or at least some of them wandering?

thirdly, what would have happened if kate met another one of her and brought her along and then out of the cube? XDD would there be a time paradox and make things IMPLODE?






if it's 4th dimension, shouldn't everyone in it themselves be in 4th dimension?
therefore shouldn't like.. I unno. something be different about the people in the cube? XD surely 3d people can't be inside a 4d place. right? O.o;


Ok, this is something else about the beginning...

we briefly see all the people who are inside the cube lying on tables or trolleys covered in plastic and wired up.

Could it be that none of this is real and it's in fact all a computer simulation, with them all wired and plugged in 'Matrix' style??

Just a thought...


er...all of the things you just mentioned were should I say this...useless. they are unanswerable questions and completely redundant. it doesn't matter if the first Simon was the same as the Second time you see him. it. does. not. matter.

likewise with the Max thing, it can't be answered even though it's fairly obvious that the writers meant for the Max's to be the same guy just seconds apart.

and there might have been more Sasha's, we might just not have seen them. again, it doesn't matter, at all.

your questionings is like someone watching Lord of the Rings and going "what if Gandalf used magic to create a clone of himself offscreen and replaced himself with it without anyone knowing, yet still died when his clone fell down a cliff so it created no plot-holes or anything at all. what if?!"


WHY are there so many smart ass "geniuses" that exist on this board. Smartasses with no brain...

Obamafied! '08'


you're looking at it the wrong way. you think I'm a smartass with no brain? I've never claimed to be. it's just that there are so many DUMB people that I look SMART. it's not MY fault people say things so dumb I could blow them off without even trying. x.x

also, you're basically saying "let's allow anyone with any opinion to keep writing stupid posts even though there are smarter people to take their place". that's retarded. nobody's entitled to an ignorant opinion.

ALSO, I have a point, read what I wrote, don't just whine about it.


I am looking at it completely the right way. I just hate when people come to the boards and ask a question and all of these "geniuses" pop out of the wood works with their smart ass comments. Whether you like it or not, everyone is entitled to an opinion rather it be viewed as "ignorant" or not. I can say the same about your post for that matter. I can say that you shouldn't be allowed to post as well as open your mouth to speak in public based on your words here, but who am I to make that judgment?

BTW, the OP posted a good question imo.

Obamafied! '08'


no. just no. have you ever heard the quote "You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."?

nobody is allowed to have opinions based on retardedness. x.x my post, did not point to that. the "OP"'s did. it's good to question things, it's good to give criticism...but asking redundant question you can answer with the brain of a goldfish and commenting on things that you shouldn't need to comment on...that's just...well, it's wasted space.

so again: if you took the energy to read my post, you'd find that what I said made some kind of sense. otherwise you can DEBATE me on it instead of just trying to FLAME me with personal insults, like a grownup! I'M reacting to what YOU'RE typing by explaining my train of thoughts whereas YOU'RE only WHINING! god, THAT pisses me of...I'd rather be a brainiac then.


Adkit: since when is a quote a law or rule to live by. Your statement is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard, as is your attitude. Perhaps if you channeled your energy in having something intelligent to say you also wouldn't be wasting people's time on the message board. BTW Have you ever heard of Free Speech? Amazing how ignorant some people are!

I personally liked the questions. Also, I saw this movie fo rthe first time and I think you are incorrect. I could swear there was a alternate dead sasha in the room where they were all skeletons. I'll have to watch again to confirm.

Which further validates the point that Adkit, posted a rather ignorant statement by not giving the questions any thought, but rather express to us his own "whining ability" which he quickly accuses other people of.

I have something I want to add to the original poster's questions. How about the end of the movie when Kate met the older Simon, how did he get old? IF the cube implodes doesn't that cease all possible realities from existing? IF you are dead at a certain point no more decisions can be made past that point. So the end of the movie makes the older characters that are met inplausible.

They couldn't exist as an older self if they ceasesd to exist at a younger self. Even space and time mapping cannot create what didn't become.



Check out this thread:

If that guy's right and there are two different time dimensions present, then Simon could have crossed from one to the other, aged there, then crossed back. Or Kate, Sasha and whoever else could have crossed from one to the other, aged more slowly, then crossed back. Ditto with all the corpses.


"thirdly, what would have happened if kate met another one of her and brought her along and then out of the cube? XDD would there be a time paradox and make things IMPLODE?"

If Kate met another Kate and brought her along one of them would have dissappeared towards the end of the movie when all the realites were merging together and things were flying off into infinity.

No God will save you now, whores
Like he never saved you before


Thanks for all the positive comments and questions everyone. xD I know I asked some silly questions and i'm glad they kind've sank in a little with you all ^^; I apologize if they were... "Retarded" questions XD I was half asleep and watching movies like this all night as I love to do XD and my mind was just like "Woah XD Questions" and I saw this board and I felt like I'd ask its a very interesting concept and I'm glad maybe one or two didn't seem silly to most of you.

Now on an earlier comment from this the point of the aging simon was brought up and this is what I have to say :

I know right!? :O especially if there's only a certain amount of time for him to age and become all crispy like that at the end, where the cube ended at a certain time, though it could have been possible that he killed the couple in the speedy time section of the cube where everythign ages, though also he could have age just traveling through the cube and killing everyone over and over, 'traveling' through time so to say. it could have been a side effect of sorts.

another question that came to mind was if he met up with himself would he have killed himself and eaten himself? o.o

is it possible other simon's were roaming the paralel time dimensions and killing everyone? maybe one where he was good? where others were killing people?

it's not really important to the story these questions but it's an interesting thought on how different events can have different effects on people.

thanks for this last posts answer I guess it would make sence ^^


i apologise, but it's "kind of", not "kind've"... the only reason i mention this is because, all day, i've had to read "would of" and "should of" and "could of" and you're just the only one who's posts didn't make me think i was going to have to argue with an idiot for trying to help. (plus, this is probably another half-asleep post from you, so you might not have even noticed that you typed it.) so, since this's been bothering me and i suspect that you'd be the most receptive to someone just trying to help... it's "kind of"... or "kinda", if you "wanna" shorten it.

thank you.... this will probably keep me from exploding for another week, or so.


Uhm. XD thanks? Lol Sorry about that. o.o; I didn't know my grammar (Not sure I spelt that right T.T Irony much? ) was being put to the test D: if my typing bothered you I apologize. thank you for your input I guess lol.


you got "grammar" right.... and i didn't really mean to put you on the spot. you just seemed like the only one that wouldn't have gone all mega-douche and gotten butt-hurt for being corrected.




I didn't read through all the posts so I'm sorry if my idea has already been stated--but I think the reason for only one Sasha is that she masterminded it after all. Although time was all sorts of crazy in there, she herself probably new a thing or two about what rooms stayed consistant with the "real time". Notice that she would suddenly have two cents about when to move from a room and when not to? "I hear evil is coming!". Even when evil came in the form of that out of control slicer dicer thing that chewed up her glasses---she opted not to leave that room. She stayed in there up until the slicer dicer thing evaporated. Probably during that time a whole bunch of time shifts were happening in other rooms--yet Kate and Sashsa stayed behind.
