
Ok can someone please explain to my like I'm a baby how this fits into the Cube Universe, but only after reading below to see where I am confused.

Ok so I get first Cube, a room with traps, at end we see dude walk into the light.

So in third cube we also see another guy walk into the light and this makes him get trapped and he has to answer if he believes in god.

Ok so although a little stupid with third cube I still get it.

But in second cube it is some weird sort of Cube which doesnt seem in realms of possibility like the cube from 1st and 3rd movie.

Seriously someone please explain?

Would appreciate it. Thanks


Zero is a prequel to 1. 2 is the third film timeline wise.

In the 2nd film "they" (government/bad guys) managed to build a theoretical hypercube, but it was unstable and couldn't control it. It would collapse in on itself and then reset.

In the 2nd film the woman is a "spy" to get data on it that the blind girl was recording on her pendant throughout. That's why she was keen on helping the blind girl so much throughout the film. At the end when they get the pendant from the "spy" they shoot her to close any loose ends.


So even though its a sequel, the cubes are not related to eachother at all. And goes from being something that is technically possible in one film, to this theoretical stuff in the next. Its not really a sequel then is it.


The theoretical stuff in the film happened (in the film) as much as the cube happened in part 1.

There are different cubes. And it is a sequel, it's events are after cube 1. Just because they're not the same cubes doesn't make it not a sequel.


Ok what I mean is that in first film it altho very unrealistic technically can exist in real life, whilst this cube cant.

Ok here is a question, the guy in this film near begining of film had obviously been in the other cube, he says something like 'where are the numbers', and there is no pattern in this cube.

So wait he got out of the first cube, did that little test where they ask if u believe in god, and then got put in this cube?


The old guy was probably one of the designers of the cube and they put him in there to get rid of him or something. I didn't get any indication about him being in the cube of cube 1. At least that's what I understood out of it.


Well he used a term like 'the last one at least had numbers'. That sounds more like the line someone would say if they had escaped from a previous cube. But who knows, for me there was just not enough link at all. After the first movie we wanted some answers. I guess we got some in 3rd, but 2nd just seemed like they want to be a bit flashy with their bigger budget. It wasnt anything new.


He says (looking for them in the portal) "where are the numbers? I want my numbers. I want a chance with my numbers like everyone else."

My thoughts were with him being a general at the Pentagon, he was in on the first cube and what it did, how it worked etc. For some reason he now finds himself in a cube-like environment, wich isn't all he expects it to be. I believe he knew about the first one, without being trapped in it. He might have been the guy that was overseeing the project, giving government funds to IZON.

Since he is in this cube with an empty briefcase with handcuffs, I've come to believe he's been selling stuff to third parties or something. But that really would be guessing.
