To me that seems like an issue, All these people would have bodily functions. Where would they have the privacy ? What would happen to the waste afterwards ? It seems that place would start to stink after awhile. Especially if you started to enter rooms where people had left there mark.
In the first Cube, one them just goes (number 1) in the corner. The others commented about the smell, but that was all. They left the cube and I don't think they returned to it.
"Well, I thought about that, and...the thing is, I really don't care!" -Wilt
The issue would depend on how many people were in the cube. And how often people hit rooms where other people had been. It seems eventually that the feces and urine would have to be cleaned up buy some one. I'm a Cinemajunkie !
Which is another reason why the first cube was better. XD it explained it to a point. Lol. That one guy, I forget his name, started to pee out of nowhere. xD it freaked everyone out, and they pulled him to the side. and well, in that cube there was no '4th' dimension.
In the "Hypercube" I imagine that if they had done so, they most certainly must have moved by rooms with.. it, lol, but I imagine most rooms were cleared with the lazer and crystal things, not to mention they were paralel universes interacting with eachother, which means, 'They' Could have 'never' had to go lol. Also, that one guy turned into somewhat a cannibal.. so.. I mean. XD he could have just as easily have eaten that.
Also, they were only in there for a certain amount of time, no matter how 'distorted' it seemed. like 6 minutes, so I'm assuming they never had the idea.
Very good I like all of that. I could see that Pyscho cannibal eating human waste (excreetment). I will have to rewatch the first one to see this guy peeing in the corner. Thats very interesting. Thats also a trip that all of that took place with in six minutes. What a trip. In one sense the cannibal was very old and missing an eye, when that therapist lady kicked him and escaped. Then in another sense it was only six minutes. Wow ! It was a trip watching it all implode, while that women stould on the outside. Then managed to esacpe back throught the hole. Who would have thought that possible. Who would voluntered for a suiacide mission, like she did. I wonder what her back ground was. Maybe a military family. With a history of members who died fighting for there country. Maybe she felt a strong enough sense of patrotic duty to take on a suiacide mission. Combined with a feeling that she could survive ?
Kazan the one who was a super genius even though he was handicapped or he was at least handicapped because we force people with his personality the title "mentally retarded". But he peed on the floor and I think Quentin or Worth commented on how gross that was. :P If it was me I would use my feces to check for traps.
Oh, it'd be worse in the HYPERCUBE. Remember at the end, all the rooms temporally collapse in on themselves. The corpse of the hanged general shifts into the room, all the scratched numbers on the wall merge into one room. The flaw was that there should've been hundreds of dead other-reality duplicate humans in the rooms.
Imagine you'd left a leather jacket in one room. When the cube collapses into one room, then that leather jacket would end up in the Prime Cube Room. So logically, if you pooped or peed in the HYPERCUBE, at the end, if you survived, all of that human bodily waste (plus all the other dead bodies in the Hypercube) would all pile up around you, on you, in you, in the last remaining room.
Thanks for that you made me laugh! Too funny! I also wondered about who keeps up the maintenance on the machines, etc. One poster suggested that their was a mechanic who lived inside the cube? I am not sure if he got that from a book or what ? I thought I'd seen all the movies, etc. Have you ever heard of a book version of this ?