Dana: "you're psychotic!"

... says the female who is suffering a meltdown to her boyfriend who's trying to reason with her.

So, I put these questions to all the rational and reasonable women who frequent this board:
Is this behavior due to raging hormones?
Is this behavior due to a female being incapable of controlling her emotions or her mouth?
Or are women just nuts in general?

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


Sad to say my wife has had moments like these where she just doesn't listen to reason. Thankfully these moments have been few and far in between. Not all females do it but I'd say a good amount do when they're not physically afraid. I have a bad temper too so it's not a one way street.


laro -- a bad temper and an irrational woman. Normally, that's not a good mix. I fervently hope the two of you can settle things using a cool-down period and then words, not fists. Open and honest communication is a god-send.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


Ha ha. Thanks but no worries. We've been together 25 years and we've never ever hit each other. I just blow up and yell but quickly calm down. She will be irrational and then close up ( which really pisses me off ) but we make up eventually. And 95% she's as loving, generous and giving as any woman a man could want. I too am pretty giving most of the time. What can I say, it's our Latino blood.......... But this chick from the show looks like she lets almost anything set her off. And I think that's primarily because she's with a guy who allows it. He doesn't have to get physical with her but he needs to take her down a peg or let her go. Who knows.......ultimatums ( much as their despised ) can work. I know she can change because I did when my marriage was in peril. When you have the will..........


None of the above. Some people are just a-holes (male people AND female people)
Dana is the absolute worst of a pretty poor season.

To me you are the teacher in a Charlie Brown cartoon




Dana was perfectly justified on this occasion,

her bf wasn't listening to her, then decided he knew better, then he decided to ignore her completely and then he starting sucking up to her and whining like a wounded puppy in that soft tone... he pissed her off and he had no clue why she was mad at him and he still had the temerity to smooth talk his way out of it...

Seems to me he's kind of showing his true colours here by being more manipulative than she is, she uses anger and threats he uses his charm...


Dana needs to learn (among other things): "It's not what you say, it's how you say it."

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


It's not his fault he was trying to pull out of somewhere that's he's never been before and is trying to focus on the road. Can she not repeat the direction like two or three times without getting pissed off?



I don't remember seeing where he was treating her like crap. He seemed to be trying to manage the stress level she keeps creating. He's passive/aggressive, ut he hasn't been as mean; unless I missed some scenes.

But I agree. Her attitude isn't based on her gender because there have been male contestants that were just as bad, whiny, and hateful.

Men seem to be more aggravated at the women who act that way and women seem to be more aggravated at the men who act that way. I'm a woman, but I'm aggravated and notice all ten people that act that way mo matter what gender.



Who is crazier: Logan or Dana?


Move along, pissant. Nobody cares about your hate.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!



Hate-filled posts and name-calling. What a delightful little child you are!

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!





Wah! Wah! Waaaah! Whiny little cockroach.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!



You slither around these boards like a slimy maggot, spewing your nasty bile at anyone you can find, and you complain about being reported?

What planet do you live on, ugly, disgusting child?

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


Ugh, that made me so mad! She's berating her boyfriend who's being calm and rational, and calling him psychotic.

