Season 5; for gods sake!!!
Up until 3pm it was good (not faboulus), only problem was Central sending a guy to take over CTU, that was known to screw up, and fire employees.
Then the seriously stupid crap.
Audrys father is still secretary of defence, she could have had McGill suspended without a problem.
Bauer could have called the president when McGill wanted him brought to CTU, he was workibg at the presidents orders.
No president, what so ever, would have traded the life of a few hundred thousand citizens for a possible war with Russia.
Novick is Guiding (with a capital G) the president, but suddenly, when the president caves in to the terrorists, Novick lets the president do something he doesn't agree with.
And there was more, but I'm not in the mood to write anything more, I'm going to relax with a good movie before I continue watching this season.
It's stupid at a level only the worst series I've seen has been. How could Sutherland accept playing in a show like this? Why didn't he ask that the episodes were rewritten? Was he in desperate need of money? This series had potential, good actors and an interesting concept, but there are so many screw-ups I'm starting to wonder about the producers mental capacity, it's like one or more of the writers desperately tried to flop the series!