Letting the father move in would not be an ideal situation, however, I think in some ways it would actually be easier to just allow it than to have the baby and the father (assuming the father is a good guy like Van) living in different houses.
I would definitely make him earn his keep though.
Exactly. Good post.
I am a realist & know that its damn difficult to make ends meet with a spouse & a kid as an adult, never mind at 18!
So I'd let them both move in, for a time, as long as they BOTH adhered to my house rules.
1. One would be that the father gets a job & takes care of his family. He will help me out around the house & such also.
2. Its THEIR baby. Not mine. I'm not getting up at 3 AM to feed it or quiet it.
I'll babysit some, but that is IT.
3. They are required to be setting money aside every month for their OWN place.
I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.