Barbra Jean's family (?)
I'm rewatching S2 Ring-A-Ding when everyone but Reba goes to Barbara Jean's family reunion and am really wishing that the writers had explored more about BJ's family and that her family had had more appearances than just the two episodes that we were shown (There was also the episode in Season 5 when BJ's brother Buzzard showed up)- BJ was always talking about her family throughout the series and it kinda stunk that we only saw them those two episodes. I personally would have loved to have met her mom. Speaking of, did she ever even mention her mother? She spoke of her father often and we saw him in this episode but I don't think she ever mentioned anything about her mother, let alone what her name was......
Also, if Barbra Jean's mother was indeed Big Daddy's wife, which he mentioned being 'too ugly to kiss good-bye" in Ring-A-Ding, does anyone know why she wasn't cast? I'm getting the feeling that the woman whom Big Daddy spoke off wasn't Barbra Jean's mother and maybe was just Katie Anne's? Perhaps Barbra Jean and Katie Anne were half sisters? Thoughts? I'm confused AF.....