Reba is so funny in her Hit-TV show!I did not start watchin'til 2014-15
Did any 1 here start watching on TV LAND REBA only after it was off the air? I did.
Actually, I only seen 1 epie in 2005-06 and just didn't make time to watch anymore.
I can't stop watching each saturday all day lol or all afternoon
and sunday re-runs. I even tape a few of the real funny/good epie's.
I love this show.Reba is awesome. Jake is a cute lil boy,when real young
and KIRA is OK and i like older sister Cheyenne/Van both.
Barbara Jean is a riot and Brock is a hot older guy.Love this show..."
Love BH 90210/One Tree Hill,Reba,Love Roseanne,
Soaps,Good times...What'sHappenin'