MovieChat Forums > Reba (2001) Discussion > So where is Henry?

So where is Henry?

Back when the series was new I came in about season 2 maybe 3. For the longest time I had no idea Henry exsisted, and then no clue who he was!
So now rewatching the series I have one huge question: Where is Henry?? You always see Brock and/or Barbra Jean at Reba's but they never have Henry with them. I mean he is shown a handful of times but not nearly enough I think. I just find it weird they occasionally make a reference to him but not often and not when they just bust into Reba's with no kid. Like when they were taking the kids to Teddy bears on ice. Brock, Barbra Jean, and Kyra all come inside to get Jake. So either they left Henry in the car alone or he wasn't getting to go. Where is the kid 99.9% of the time? Is he home alone or with a nanny/sitter? Which leads to why does he have a nanny/sitter when Barbra Jean is clearly always home!
It's like they wanted Brock and his pregnant mistress at first but then decided one baby was enough. I just think it's weird.


I agree that since Barbara Jean was such a major part of the show they should have shown Henry more.

"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"


On one of the episode DVD commentaries, I believe it's "To Tell The Truth" Mellissa Peterman, states that during a scene where she is talking to Brock, she's holding a juicy cup and a teddy bear under her arm, stating that that is to let the audience be aware that Henry hasn't been forgotten about and isn't be neglected. Mellissa stated that people would always ask her IRL where Henry was on the show and they had to come up with ways to explain his absence without him physically being there, hence, the juicy cup and teddy bear.


there's a running joke that they forget about him. usually when they're over at Reba's talking about Cheyenne and Elizabeth, Reba will ask where Henry is, making Barbara Jean and Brock run home


Shes a teen mom who gets to live at home for years, still looks beautiful and her dad lives next door.
Reality check... that kid would be allover the house.
They lock it up in a cage upstairs


Not cheyenne's dsughter Elizabeth who is seen fairly regularly, but Brock and Barbra Jean's son Henry who was born just before Elizabeth was. Two small babies born on the show, but we only ever see one
