MovieChat Forums > Reba (2001) Discussion > Was the original plan ever?...

Was the original plan ever?...

Was the original plan ever to get Brock and Reba back together? I adore Reba and when the S3 finale aired I was stunned and was hoping that they'd get back together- but they never did.


It was kind of late for that; he was remarried, BJ had had his baby, and the kids had even started getting mildly close to her as a stepmom. A second marriage broken would have left more pieces than fitted them together. And if he'd left ANOTHER wife, his character would probably be too tarnished for anyone to want him with Reba again.


True. Thanks.
Than why did they have Brock admit to Reba in the S3 finale that he believed he had made a mistake?....


Because he'd be a total moron to not realize he was wrong in hurting her at least.


I think Brock was now away from whatever situation he and Reba were in, and had the chance to think about it clearly and came to realize it wasn't as bad as he'd felt it was at the time. This isn't uncommon for people.

Plus, while he did love BJ, he did know she was cuckoo (and there were times you saw him grimacing at some of the things she said/did), and Reba was more grounded. After awhile, that had to get tiring.

Plus, the kids. No matter what else, he did love his kids, and he was probably thinking that his whole divorcing their mom to marry somebody else didn't do them any favors--Cheyenne being the most obvious, having got pregnant while he and Reba were separated, and that probably really hit him hard. He may have felt if he and Reba hadn't been having their issues, they would have been keeping a better eye on Cheyenne together. And while he wasn't living far away (around the corner, in later episodes), it wasn't the same as sitting down to dinner with them every night, saying goodnight to them, or good morning, or just casually walking by them and seeing them doing homework or playing a video game or whatever--now some effort had to be made for those little things.


Because Brock is a quitter and a coward. When something isn't perfect he wants to run and hide behind something else.


I know what you mean. I felt more onscreen chemistry with Reba/Brock than I ever saw with Brock/BJ.


I think they considered it. The reason for that finale was probably to dip a toe in the water and see how the fan base would react. There's several hints over the years that the show could have leaned that way at any given point.


I saw one today in a rerun--Brock and Reba were playing online poker against each other (unknown to both) and there was some online flirting.

The interesting thing was at the end, it was suggested they exchange names and locations.....which indicates to me that Brock was willing to step out on Barbara Jean.


I have to re-watch this episode- I didn't get that interpretation at all. I just assumed that they were willing to do that hence neither of them knew who the other one was while they were engaging in their game of poker.


in the last season, the two of them considered getting a divorce. just shows how pathetic Brock was as a husband


in the last season, the two of them considered getting a divorce. just shows how pathetic Brock was as a husband

I thought Brock and Barbara Jean were just as pathetic as each other. Barbara Jean wanted to steal Rebas life but was such an complete loser she couldn't see that she had done anything wrong. Brock was just an ass.



I always thought that if Barbra Jean hadn't gotten pregnant during Brock and Reba's seperation, that Brock and Reba would have found their way back to each other. Reba even says in the pilot she wants to give the marriage another chance, and Brock says he has to marry Barbra Jean, Has to not wants to. I don't think he would have married her if she wasn't pregnant. While I do think Brock grew to genuinely love Barbra Jean, there were lots of times that it seemed to me deep down he still loved Reba more.


I agree 100%, I haven't yet seen all the episodes as I just started watching on Free Forman not long ago but from what I have seen it can see that Brock and Reba have really good chemistry, and like you said they probably would have worked things out-of at least attempted to.
