Season 2 DVD

Does anyone, ANYONE, know if there is going to be a DVD set release of the second season? The first season was released almost two years ago. Does anyone know if there are any plans on releasing the final five season?


I have no idea, but I got tired of waiting and went to and bought
the whole series for a fantastic price.


and how is the quality of them? I was just looking at my lone season of Crossing Jordan and it make me sad that they havent released the others...


Quality was great. However, I think one episode was left out of my set, but
in general I got my money's worth.


On amazon, you can sign up for notification when seasons 2 - 6 are going to be released, but I sincerely doubt that the amazon guys have any idea if that will happen any time soon or at all. I just looked up the German amazon and not only do they not offer signing up for notification, they also don't even sell season 1 themselves anymore, they just provide links where you can buy it used or new
I'm really hating this - especially since on German TV they just keep repeating the last 3 seasons, so season 1 was completely new and awesome for me and I would love to finally see season 2 and 3 (and I'm pretty sure I missed several episodes of seasons 4 - 6...

Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.


Well, it's quite interesting that Netflix now allows seasons 1 - 6 to be saved. They only had season 1 a year ago. So even though they're not available yet, maybe it's in the works.


I really hope it is, though I won't believe it until a release date is actually announced... I started watching the second season online today and while I'm happy to finally be able to see those episodes for the first time ever, the quality is rather mediocre (and I really could do without the announcements for CSI or Dog the bounty hunter flashing across the screen) and after a certain amount of time you get a time out and have to wait and then reload the episode you've been watching. Very annoying. And I can't properly download the episodes from that site and I shouldn't have to! I'd be willing to pay good money for the DVDs!
And I realized again, how awesome the music on CJ is and how great it is that they don't make a big deal out of it, the music just blends in and sets the mood. On Gilmore Girls (yes, I realize that the premises for the series are completely different, but I like them both) they always have this musical snobbery going on, talking at full speed about Patti Smith and The Velvet Underground and bashing Alanis Morissette, Matchbox 20, and soundtracks (with this "look, I'm so individualistic, I don't have any top 40 CDs ever and anyone who likes that kind of music must be really dumb" attitude - and funnily, it's always exes or new girlfriends of exes who get this treatment), but they rarely have really memorable music playing, except for the eternal "lalala". (And I realize that I went on a wild tangent there, but I didn't feel the need to open a new thread to compare the musical merits...)

Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.


Okay, now I'm mad. I watched all through season 2 up to episode 20 and the next one was the first episode of season 3, even though at least episode 22 is online and I get the feeling that the last two episodes of season 2 are connected, not least, because episode 22 is called "Pandora's Trunk (2)" I want the damn DVDs!

Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.


"This video has been removed due to infringement" Gah! I was almost done with season 3 and now everything's gone! I watched "He said, she said" last night and everything was fine and now - nothing! I tried the next few episodes and a couple of those I watched before and they've all been removed. Come on! Release the DVDs already!

Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.


GOD THIS IS BULL$HIT! Why did they even release season 1 if they cant/wont release the rest??? Im so mad! I want to see this show SO bad! A&E was playing it for a long time but they took it off last year, and it is not playing on any station anyware! RELEASE SEASONS 2-6 ON DVD NOW DAMN IT!!!!!!!!


if you have direct tv, crossing jordan is shown on the crime and investigation network HD. channel 566, it is an HD station. i have dvr'd all the episode and watched them all in the past few months.




Well, I will add to the *beep* Netfix as of Dec 2010 has no season available to even watch. To add to this confusion there is at least two other late ninties shows that i have season 1 for and they haven't released any others. The real *beep* is most of the consumers out there will not or have not purchased then DVD's until they are brought down to a reasonable price instead of the 49.99 that a TV season used to be priced. I say all TV series that are release should be released at a decent price so that all can enjoy and the sales #'s are up as well


Amen! What really p!sses me off is that CSI and other shows get at least 2 DVD releases per season! They're selling that stuff in half-season increments and a half season for 30 Euros and that stuff sells! I know that the CSI franchise is incredibly popular and even I have been known to watch the New York one, just to ogle Eddie Cahill, but the characters are infinitely more relatable on Crossing Jordan. I love Jill Hennessy, Steve Valentine and Jerry O'Connell (and Ravi Kapoor, Miguel Ferrer and pretty much everyone else). I wanted the CJ DVDs so badly that I didn't even order them on amazon when I had the spare cash, but went to the store and paid 5+ Euros extra (45 €), because amazon was cheaper, but would have taken a day longer. So I would even pay 40 Euros for each of the remaining seasons… They should just not bother with separate season box sets and release the whole series in one box set for somewhere between 100 and 150 bucks and be done with it.
I get that the musical stuff is annoying, because they have to get licenses for every song snippet they used (and I don't want them to replace the original music with different stuff, either), but seriously, why didn't they start dealing with that kind of red tape and releasing the DVDs when the series was still on the air? Every other TV show I have on DVD started selling the DVDs as soon as the season was over in America, which funnily led to me having the 10th season of Friends before the season was even half over on TV in Germany.

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer free!


I was watching the extras on the Season One DVD and in one of the interviews they say that the reason its taking SO long is because of all the great music they used. Something about getting the rights. But I don't know if that is the real reason. I also long for the 2nd-6th seasons to be released because a lot of the episodes I have not seen (because life happened)and would LOVE to see them.


Here's what irks me about the whole music rights delaying dvd release situation (and the same problem relates to Cold Case) - when they were filming the series, and securing the rights to the songs at that time, why didn't they negotiate a deal with the artists wherein they would get a small (I'll admit, very small) cut of the dvd sales, or get free advertising on the dvds ("If you like this song by __________, check out their CDs") in exchange for letting them keep the songs in the episodes? I'm pretty sure when these shows were first created that producers and studios were aware of dvds, and and the potential profit stream from them. If they had handled it right, everyone would win: the studios by releasing the dvds, the music artists by getting a small cut of the sales, or free advertising, and the fans, by getting to enjoy the show when we want it. It reminds me of the saying: "sometimes common sense isn't very common."

"My girlfriend sucked 37 d*cks!"
"In a row?"


cause like you said that would make sense! i haven't bought season 1 yet cause of the music rights issues. though they are FINALLY putting china beach out the reason they took so long with that was music rights as well.


Why would the music rights issues stop you from buying season 1? It's released on DVD so there is no music rights issues for season 1. PLEASE RELEASE CROSSING JORDAN SEASONS 2-7!!! This show is not on TV anylonger and I miss it like CRAZY!!!


The comments seem to come down to the issue of the music rights. Sad to say, there is just NO single entity to go to for the rights for ALL the music in a season, (almost certainly).

Then, there is the issue of whether the rights have a split ownership; i.e. artist died, left rights equally to all his kids and wife... you get the idea.
There also could be the case where a court-appointed guardian (or conservatorship) needs to approve the deal too; possibly any of the artist(s) or writer(s) may be incapacitated or ruled incompetent to handle their own affairs. Then if they ALL do not agree, too bad, nobody gets paid, and the rights prevent the use... In the case of a third party, it actually MAY be in their own self-interest to literally do nothing and get paid until funds in their control are gone, they die, or are removed...
Photographer Annie Leibowitz(sp?) had some bad financial troubles buying an apartment next to hers to rennovate and combine with hers... She had to put up the copyrights to all her famous photographs, and an investment group bought them, apparently with a contract that she could get the rights back. (I suppose the investors could have been fans of her work, or just bet she would not be able to raise the money...)

What if Willie Nelson didn't have friends and means to pay the IRS debt he owed, and the IRS took the rights to his music, etc.?
It can always be worse than you think...

Two examples of music **wars**:

1) The movie VALLEY GIRL was held up for YEARS due to music rights before it finally came out on DVD. As hinted before, each song had to be seperately negotiated and put under contract.

2) The final season of CHARMED (A. Milano, et al), was having a **difficult negotiation** for the music rights. It was SO bad, the CHARMED season was edited with entirely new music, just in case the music rights owners would not reach an agreement before the DVD box set went to press. The DVD *factories* were busy, and the *production slot* would cost a lot of money and delay to reschedule. As I have read, the debate was over how much money, and not over IF the rights could be bought. The deal had dragged on, and on, and the day before the DVDs went to press, the rights holders *blinked* and agreed to CHARMED's number, but since ALL the music was redone and mastered for the DVDs by then, the rights were no longer worth what WAS offerred...
So, the final CHARMED season has none of the originally aired music, and the (overly) greedy rights owners got NOTHING!!
Put THAT in your gas tank and drive on down the road...

Why the BIG deal?
DVDs and Blu-Rays have music that is as good as the masters that produced them. If it was broadcast TV, or VHS tapes, it would NOT be that good, AND the technology didn't even exist when the original rights for the shows/movies were contracted, and so, were not covered. OUCH!

One other contract example...
Mary Martin contracted with the Walt Disney company that she would play the live action Peter Pan, and Disney would only be allowed to broadcast that show FOUR times. All deals beyond those four broadcasts were another contract... Then came home VCRs, home media (cable and satellite, VHS, Betamax, RCA CED, laserdiscs, PSP, downloads, streaming, and so on...). NONE of those outlets existed when the show was filmed.


Yeah, except that DVDs were invented 6 years before Crossing Jordan even started airing and were rapidly replacing VHS by the time Crossing Jordan did start its run, so the outlet did exist when the show was filmed. Nobody probably realized how big the demand would be for fans to watch certain shows without commercial breaks and possibly in original language (as in my case, I love that I have the OV on most DVDs as TV shows are especially horrid when dubbed, I have no idea what the voice actors think they're doing overacting every line) and at any time and as many episodes as they want (ever tried watching a season of 24 in real time?).
My point is that Universal could have started negotiating the music rights for the later seasons at least (if they were unaware of TV series on DVD/Bluray becoming a hit in the early years) when they were making the original contracts for the broadcast episodes. Then they wouldn't have all this red tape to wade through now and I'm seriously wondering if they're even working on it at all or if they've already ditched the effort, because in the end, the sales won't be high enough to justify all this.

I'm just looking at my shelf at my sad, lonely season 1 of Crossing Jordan and the first 2 seasons of Fall Guy, hoping that one day, I may complete my collections...

Every time you make a decision about food you are farming by proxy.


There aren't enough faces to palm. After the original Universal release of the first season in 4:3 format, there now comes a re-release by a different distributor. Again, so far this only concerns season 1, this time in widescreen format and on Bluray this time as well as DVD. Do those people really think that people will buy the lone first season a second time if no additional seasons are forthcoming? I definitely do not want to have the first season twice, but not the rest. I will reconsider buying the re-release if - and only if - the remaining seasons are also released, preferably in a timely manner…

Every time you make a decision about food you are farming by proxy.


This is interesting because there has to be **someone** who put up the money to change the 4:3 to widescreen.

The bad news there is when that change is made, most of that sort of transfer leaves out part(s) of the original frame. This is similar to the pan-and-scan that took widescreen movies down to the 4:3 format for VHS and Beta tapes, and even DVDs. Viewers complained a *lot* about the pan-and-scan cutting out part(s) of one (or both) sides to follow the most interesting part of the frame. That sometimes led to "strange things" in the 4:3 version where a character originally might move from one side of a room to the other side, and was the only character in the frame, and did not appear to move in the 4:3 version, but the background seemed to be moving instead!
(The 'focus' of the panning was the lone character, so that character tended to stay in, or near, the center of the 4:3 frame.)

Any movie filmed in PANAVISION (widest(?) film format) was horribly butchered in the conversion to 4:3, but that was the format of **all** home viewing screens back then. A friend of a friend worked for years as the projectionist for the movie theatre in a small town, and once mentioned there were 19 different lense sets for the projectors, and the film prints specified which set to use on that particular film. (Have you been in a theatre when the wrong lense set was used for a movie, and the entire audience boo'ed until the film was stopped, rewound, and then begun again with the correct set? I have had that experience several times...)

Anyway... There can be other reasons that set was done, with copyright ownership issues high on the list. By reworking the original film/transfer, that *might* be needed to assert ownership of the series/movie so it does not fall into the "public domain" where the original copyright owners lose their ownership.

The Motion Picture and Recording Artists groups have been trying very hard (for at least three decades!!) to find, or make, a way so they get paid EVERY TIME anyone plays their 'intellectual property'. After all that time, the day is almost here with both movie and music streaming. That eliminates downloading, and "hard copy" ownership/licensing of things like CD/DVD/Blu-Ray copies. Tivo was somewhere in the middle, with a monthly subscription fee to record and view the recording kept within the Tivo box. With the media-in-hand, if I bought a DVD set, I can watch all or part of 'it' any time I want, and for as many times as I want, without paying anything more for the use. That is EXACTLY what they want to stop!
Well, that and something like me swapping my series to someone else in exchnge for another item, or, selling my set to a resale store, or buying from a resale store.

If you have any doubt about this, just look, (usually at the very end of the DVD set, after all the credits have played), and the new series and movies have their new legal restrictions regarding the licensing of that copy, in MANY different languages, (I stopped counting after I reached thirty!), expressly prohibiting even swapping or reselling that movie or series, as well as any sort of "public performance" which would include in a hospital, an offshore oil/gas drill rig, a church group, and so on...
Do you think they 'accidentally' put that legal "fine print" as the very last thing? Most(?) viewers reach the credits and stop the playback... but the legalese is on the media itself, and well out of what is normally viewed, hidden in plain sight.


That's right. It seems that Koch Media has taken over from Universal, at least for the German release, after Universal gave it up after season 1 in 4:3 format.

Aaand, region 2 Crossing Jordan fans (and, of course, fans who have region free DVD/Bluray players),


The sets can be pre-ordered on the German amazon already, they will have German and English voice tracks, and I know for a fact that mastering is in progress, so the pressing of the long-awaited discs will soon start and in 5 weeks we can all have them.
I now have high hopes for the rest of the series, the first season was re-released in widescreen earlier this year, so maybe they could release 2 or 3 seasons per year until we have them all? *prettyplease@KochMedia*

Every time you make a decision about food you are farming by proxy.


Just by the way,
You have mentioned CROSSING JORDAN and THE FALL GUY, but this is nearly the same situation with WHO'S THE BOSS and ONE DAY AT A TIME as well. I keep hoping those will also get fully released, in a good format/transfer, and for a reasonable price.

There is hope though. The two intertwined series of THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN and THE BIONIC WOMAN have finally made it to DVD releases, in spite of the fact two TV networks were involved because THE BIONIC WOMAN was sold and produced by a different network than SMDM. And they had story lines that crossed between the two series as well!

That is somewhat the case with CROSSING JORDAN and the original series LAS VEGAS where a story arc crossed between the two. LAS VEGAS has been out on DVD for some years now, but only season one of CJ... *sigh*


Well it's now 2013 and it's still hasn't come out. I guess it never will.


They should just make one DVD set for all seasons and region code free, so they don't have to pay for more mastering than necessary (no clue how licenses and the music stuff goes for an international release) and announce the complete set, then see how many pre-orders they get. I know, CJ is less popular than other series, though it really beats me, why. Honestly, I used to watch it as much if not more for the character development and the interactions between all the characters as for the crime scene of the week and no other crime investigation show managed to pull me in with both. In fact, most other investigative series do not have much character stuff and nowhere near as much heart as CJ.

I hate having incomplete series on my shelf. It's one thing when the series is still running, but if you start something, you better intend to finish it. Maybe I need to go tell off Universal... because they're totally going to listen to me

Every time you make a decision about food you are farming by proxy.


CROSSING JORDAN had a season or two when they started to 'mix in' international politics and religions. I remember one (or two?) episode when one of the tech's went missing, and it eventually turned out he had been in email contact with someone on a suspected terror list (completely unknown to him), about some work-related matter on a case, (involving an infectious disease), and **someone** grabbed him up to interrogate (and waterboarded) him. With the persistent efforts of the entire team and any of their friends who might help, he was finally released, but by unknown captors and interrogators, and no one seemed to know who had taken him, or where he was kept; he was simply dropped of at his residence by masked men, in an unmarked van.
That was pretty near 'the edge' of politics at the time...

A more popular, and current show, BONES, brought in a Muslum technician, complete with his prayer rug and daily prayer, (but no traditional beard, and with/without other things), and that has made it onto the DVD and Blu-Ray season sets. That topic is barely mentioned currently.

Another 'political' thing was done on the series SEVENTH HEAVEN, and a roughly 3 minute performance of a song, for her class project, was done by the youngest girl (young actress Mackenzie Rossman-sp?) on the aired show, but left off of the DVD season. That episode is 3 minutes shorter than all the other episodes.

Note to self...
Politics and policies change with time, so what may have been a 'good idea' at one time may not stand the test of time.

P.S. There is a current/recent movie, THE IMITATION GAME, about the cracking of the WWII unbreakable Nazi Enigma code. Last time I checked, it was #204 on the IMDB top 250 film list. I just viewed it, and it is good enough to view again.
It also is involved with politics and policies, as well as a line from Spiderman's creator - "With great power comes great responsibility." You will know what that means if you watch that movie, but there will be people that hate the film...
