MovieChat Forums > David el gnomo Discussion > This series was spanish

This series was spanish

Yes,i'm spanish and i'm quite surprised that all of the amnericans of this boards know David el gnomo.This tv series was a tremendous success when i was child.Every saturday evening,all the spanish children saw the tv.I didn't know David el gnomo was so popular in USA!!!


holy crap, i loved this show when i was a kid, i never knew that it was originaly in spanish, i always just thought of it as David the Gnome. thats crazy. this reminds me of when nickelodeon was cool, when it was just a channel for kids, not all commercialized. man, that takes me back.


I didn't know this was a spanish show either. I used to watch David the Gnome every morning before I went to school.


i always thought it was from Japan... David No Nomo ^_^
probally because many nick cartoons were Japanese Anime imports in those days


Ah yes, like Fushigi na Koala Blinky (Noozles in the USA) and Meiken Jolie (Belle and Sebastian).


i knew it was spanish its from the makers of dogtanian.


Yeah, don't forget Maya the Bee that was Japanese.


Does anyone know how/where I can view the show in Spanish? I didn't know it was originally Spanish up until a few minutes ago! I'd like to see the show in Spanish.

ON ANOTHER NOTE, DOES ANYONE REMEMBER A CARTOON OR A MOVIE ABOUT A UNICORN ON NICKELODEON, OR AM I CONFUSING MYSELF WITH "THE LAST UNICORN"? I remember the unicorn dipping its horn in water to become strong, or something like that.


dude, that sounds so familiar, the unicorn dipping its horn in water thing. I think that was a Nickelodeon show, but I can't come up with the name.

I had no idea David the Gnome was Spanish either. I always thought it was Dutch or something.


Crazy, I just found a site about it and it turns out it was based on books written by Dutch authors. How did it end up getting made in Spanish?


it could have been the last unicorn, but i remember something on disney called nico- the unicorn. it was about a little unicorn with pink hair and i remember s/he would dip its horn in the water to get strong. unless i'm confusing the two as well.

"I consider myself a nerd and this movie has uplifted me."- Toby on Revenge of the Nerds (American Splendor)


Unico maybe?



Ah, at last I remembered the name of the show. I lived in Spain about 20 years ago (from 1984-1989), and lately while thinking back, I couldn't remember the name of "that show with the gnomes." It was top notch, I never missed an episode. :)


I had no idea David the Gnome was spanish (infact, when I brought up the page I was confused as to why it said 'David el Gnomo' instead of 'David the Gnome.'
Then again...I was 5ish when I watched it. Best show ever.

~The only thing I've come to trust is an orgasmic rush of lust~


Apparently it was produced first in Spain, and adapted to English, in that order. It was originally written in Dutch. (read the thing below i got from wiki)

Got this from wikipedia: (
"Gnomes and Secrets of the Gnomes by Wil Huygen and Rien Poortvliet are illustrated guidebooks to the fictional creatures, and resulted in a spin-off animated series David the Gnome. These are originally written in Dutch, where gnomes are called kabouters."

And indeed, in the credits, those two authors are listed as the writers.


I HAD NO IDEA this was spanish....
the past two years now (i'm 21), I've been downloading all that i can of my childhood... These include.. Pete and Pete (WOOOHOOO), salute your shorts (eh, but still nice), uhm... FRAGGLE ROCK, eureka's castle, all of these.. But davidt he gnome I FINALLY remembered the title of this show that i loved so much, and its SPANISH? are you kidding me? where can I download this show? please someone HELP!


