MovieChat Forums > David el gnomo Discussion > favorite cartoons from the 80s

favorite cartoons from the 80s

what was everybody's favorite cartoons from the 80s? here are mine.

1. David The Gnome
2. Count Duckula
3. The Bionic Six
4. Fantastic Max
5. Alvin and The Chipmunks
6. The Archies
7. Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels
8. Danger Mouse
9. Disney's Duck Tales
10. G.I. Joe
11. HeathCliff the Cat
12. Inspector Gadget
13. The Little Koala Bears
14. CBS Storybreak

I was born in 1982 so thats why I like a lot of them. don't know if CBS Storybreak would be considered a cartoon, basically it was since it showed cartoons all the time.



No particular order...

1. David the Gnome
2. Wuzzles
3. Fraggle Rock (anyone remember the cartoon?)
4. Gummi Bears
5. Care Bears
6. Denver the Last Dinosaur
7. Little Koala
8. Grimm's Fairytales
9. Maya the Bee
10. Noozles
11. Heathcliff
12. Busy World of Richard Scarry

I miss my childhood... :(

They should really make a channel for 80's nostalgia cartoons and shows.


My top 10, in random order:

1. G-Force
2. Heathcliff
3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
4. Thundercats
5. Denver the Last Dinosaur
6. The Simpsons (it started in the late 80s, thus technically an 80s cartoon)
7. GI Joe (OK in retrospect i really hate the USA uber alles ideals masquerading in a children's program, but loved it back in the days)
8. Robocop
9. Spiderman
10. Sylvanian Families (sp?)

I used to watch loads of other cartoons, but those were my regular and most beloved ones.

PS1 My fav cartoon of all time? Road Runner
PS2 I wouldn't classify Fraggle Rock as a cartoon, it's a puppet show like the other famous Jim Henson creation, Muppet Show.

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no sambuca, i'm talking about the Fraggle Rock Cartoon (it does exist), not the puppet version, I think the cartoon only lasted one season though.

R.I.P David the Gnome (1586-1986)


I know what you are talking about. There was an animated verison that was only out for a year(87-88) on NBC. Here a link to the IMDB page for it,

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Denver, the lost dinosaur
he's my friend and a whole lot more

Oh, I remember that show. Good times, good times...
Top 80s Cartoons
- Fraggle Rock
- The Snorks
- Maya the Bee
- David the Gnome

Kids' cartoons now just can't compare...


Oh, wow, I have a million, mostly from the late 80's, since I'm an '87 baby:

Haids' Top Ten:
1. Care Bears
2. My Little Pony
3. The Wuzzles
4. Gummi Bears
4. Lady Lovely Locks (Who else remembers this show?)
5. Bitsy Bears
6. The Little Bits
7. Rose Petal Place
8. Fluppy Dogs
9. The Popples
10. Maple Town

Ah, to li ve in the time of GOOD cartoons. Little kids just don't know what they're missing now! We seriously had the best cartoons in the world.

"I don't think a nun would say that about a hill..."


I have alot too mostly mid to late 80's because I'm a November 78 baby and these cartoons I am about to name were played threw to the early to mid 90's.Here's the list.

1.My Little Pony
4.Care Bears
7.Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
8.Gummi Bears
10.Rainbow Brite
11.The Adventures Of The Little Koala
12.The Littles

and many more I can't think of at this moment.

Bound for Destination Anywhere
Regrets Becoming An IMDB Member


I was a Nickelodean junkie when I was 4-10yrs old in the 80s. I LOVED all the cartoons they had, and I was pretty into the disney channel and some other cable stations too:
1. David the Gnome
2. Little Bits
3. Wuzzels
4. Gummi Bears
5. My Little Pony
6. Mya the Bee
7. Smurfs

"Dont I deserve love? And jewelry?"


I cannot believe it!!!

Maya The Bee is famous in the US????

It's a Spanish Cartoon! I thought they were only shown here! It's a very old show, though....


By the way, this is my list:

1- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Las Tortugas Ninja)
2- Garfield And Friends (Garfield y sus Amigos)
3- Heathcluff (Isidoro)
4- He-MAn And The Masters of The Universe (He-man Y los Amos del Universo)
5- Ducktales (Patoaventuras)
6- Muppet Babies (Los Pequeñecos)
7- Dragon Ball (Bola de Dragón)
8- Alfred J. Quack
9- Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds (D'Artacan y los tres mosqueperros)


Does any one remember an older show that was on nick that had a mannequin that would come to life when the mall/store would close? I remember the show very vaugely but for the life of me cannot remember the name!

Henry Blake: Did you really yell give me an incubator or give me death?


It sounds like this movie to me?


Yes I used to love that show, the title eludes me but something about special in the title.


In the children's department of a major department store, each night Jodie when she arrives for work carries a mannequin (Jeff) upstairs, where Muffy says the magic words "hocus pocus alimagocus!" From there Jeff comes to life, and hilarity ensues.

Many early episodes focused on a tangible object as a subject, such as hats or costumes, with the show revolving around teaching about that subject. Later episodes dealt with more complicated subjects, such as the episode "Wishes" dealing with sacrificing one thing for another, or "Phil's Visit", which dealt with alcoholism.


The show with the mannequin is "Today's Special"!


You just named all my fav's!! I would have to add Maya the bee and of course David the Gnome


How can you remember these cartoons when you were only 0-2 yrs old in the 80's? In fact, you nearly missed the whole decade. I don't remember anything when I was 2. That's like the time when Mandy Moore commented about how great 1986 was during the 1986 edition of "I Love the 80's" on VH1...



Actually the 86 in my screen name has nothing to do with the date I was born I was born in 1980, if that's what you're refering to.


No, I was referring to the comments made by Haids1987 about being born in 1987, see above ^


I was born in '85 but remember david the gnome and little bits and various others people have mentioned. it's the miracle of reruns. and if you stayed up till 3 am, you can catch even older stuff. i used to be a huge Mork and Mindy fan, and that was from like 83 right? i'll look it up.
and i'm sad i didn't get to see david the gnome in spanish. i'd be fluent by now! lol. all i have is dora the explorer and some other cartoon with a spanish family.

_Where are we? Why is Dunkin Donuts selling Chicken McNuggets and fries??_


I loved She-Ra....please tell me you all remember She-Ra, totally Hemans twin Sister, whos identity was Adora. I also loved Scooby Do, Muppet Babies, David the Gnome, Maya the Bee, Koala (I hated Pinky), Garfield, Tiny Toons, Snorks, Smurfs, Lady Lovelylocks, Inspector Gadget. They also had, on Nickelodeon for some time, Grimms Fairtales adapted into cartoons, I loved those. I enjoyed the back to the future cartoons, teenage mutant ninja turtles, Gummy Bears, Beetlejuice, My Little Ponies, Care Bears, X-Men, classic disney cartoons, Count Duckula, Ren and Stimpy, Rugrats and Doug. I feel as if I had too much time on my hands as a child, no wonder I'm much television so little exercise. LOL


my god forever iv been thinking about this paticular cartoon and no one has mentioned it , it was on nick back in the day, iwas born 86 so think from 89-early 90, the intro was this guy traveling through the woods and *beep* and would end up in in like an area where he had all this *beep* and would sing on guitar or make wierd things



here are my favorites in no particular order:

1. Pound Puppies
2. She-Ra
3. Muppet Babies
4. He-Man
5. Transformers
6. The Snorks
7. My Little Pony
8. Rainbow Bright
9. Thundercats
10. Flintstone Kids
11. David The Gnome
12. Ghostbusters
13. Care Bears

* there is also one that i used to watch but i cannot remember the name. it was about a boy on another planet and he has a flower that can talk.*

"I don't need D-N-A, I have K-A-N-E!" - Erica Kane


How is it that I haven't seen people mention Fraggle Rock??? Oh...sad.


maybe because it says "favorite cartoon". if it was just any kids show then i would have said "Fraggle Rock" as well as a bunch of others.

"Can you get me a new vagina?" - Dr. Miranda Bailey


There was an animated version of Fraggle Rock. It only lasted one season

One of my favorite 80s cartoons.


Actually, Fraggle Rock was later turned into a cartoon. That was sad.


No order here..

-Eureeka's Castle
-Muppet Babies
-Captian Planet
-David the Gnome
-Care bears
-Tiny Toons
-Inspector Gadget
-Duck Tales
-Wonderdog (lol...I know)



I loved a lot of the stuff on here, and I'd like to add a few more that I don't think anyone mentioned:

Belle and Sebastian
The Mysterious Cities of Gold
that super mario brothers cartoon and Captain N

Born in 83. :)



Yes - the two shows that were being asked about (guy in the woods) was Fred Penner's Place, and the one about the little boy on another planet with flowers was called "The Little Prince" :)

"Dont I deserve love? And jewelry?"


I didn't notice anybody mentioning
The Inhumanoids, I used to wake up
at like 5:30 to see that, even sat
through a few minutes of Romper-Room
if I got up too early..
Also didn't see anybody mentioning
SuperTed, or maybe I just didn't
notice. Gotta love a show about a
super powered Teddy Bear

Others, in no particular order:

The Gummi Bears
Danger Mouse
Count Duckula
Muppet Babies
Fantastic Max
Belle and Sebastion
David the Gnome
GI Joe
Duck Tales

Two others I didn't notice mentioned:
Star Trek the Animated Series and
Doctor Snuggles


1. The Simpsons
2. Ulysses 31
3. Transformers
4. Danger Mouse
5. David The Gonome
6. The Adventures Of The Gummi Bears
7. Thundercats
8. The Galaxy Rangers
9. The Raccoons
10.The Mysterious Cities Of Gold
