I read that the english version cut out all the dark and adult stuff. I wanted to watch the full uncut series but I can't find a subtitled version of the uncut original spanish series. Has anyone been able to find this?
Not as far as I know. I own both a DVD-R of the British release (which is edited) and a Mexican DVD release of the original "David el Gnomo" (uncut, but with no subtitles). You can get the uncut series on DVD in Dutch too, but still, no subtitles. I've seen the English version to the point of memorizing it, so I picked up pretty fast on what was happening in the Spanish version, just by visual. If you're familiar with the book "Gnomes" then you will understand the uncut version better too. For example, the book "Gnomes" tells about how gnomes remove fly larvae from a deer's throat (which was said to be pine cones in the English version). There is a list of the edited scenes explained in detail on the "David the Gnome" Wikipedia page too.
Wow, sounds like you know your stuff. That's a shame they don't have a sub-titled version. I doubt anyone is gonna make a fansub or it like they do for animes :( Thanks for letting me know.
PS- I've been making screencaps of my David el Gnomo DVDs for the past few months, and here are some scenes that were cut from the English version! These are from the episode "Witch Way Out."