I do remember that show. I am from Spain... And here it was called "La llamada de los Gnomos" (Something like "THe Calling of the Gnomes").
It was about KLAUS, a Gnome who was a judge. He went around the world flying on a wild swan (I can't remember it's name).
He and his assistant (Something like "Oscar", I don't remember), who was drawing all the time, traveled around the world to help GNOMES from different countries solving their problems (with animals and Trolls).
I don't know why there is no reference to this series on IMDb.
By the way, the cartoons are Spanish (such as "Dogtanian", which was coproduced with Japan, I believe... Or like "Willy Fog Travels Around the Earth"). But the ORIGINAL Gnome Universe was created by Rien Poortvliet and Wil Huygen.
The drawings of Poortvliet are amazing! He is my favourite artist... Check out his books "Gnomes" and "Secrets Of The Gnomes".