'Disco' Song - Rollerderby Scene - Please help! :)
Can anyone give me the name of the disco song that's playing when they open up the rollerderby?
Can anyone give me the name of the disco song that's playing when they open up the rollerderby?
not really sure...but
i think that's "Bohemian Like You" by The Dandy Warhols
"Tell me something, my friend.You ever dance with the devil by the pale moonlight?"
Hey Ashley!
Thanks for trying, but my brother took a listen and he says that's not the song he's looking for.
He says it's a "disco" type of song that's playing briefly at the beginning of the scene where they open up the rollerderby.
Anyone else have any ideas?
The name of the song is "Heartbeat" by a french group called Tahiti 80. I searched for this for about 6 months, so i understand the frustration. It's on thier album "Puzzle", I got it on Amazon.