We need a real sequel....

Not some Taj crap, he may have been funny, but Van should be the main character of a movie called Van Wilder 2. Also, does anyone know of any movies like this? Like where he knows everyone and stuff like that, is like a god to people, firneds with everyone, that kind of thing. Thanks.


"Just friends" is not exactly the same type of movie... but has ryan reynolds and is quite funny


"Just Friends" is actually soooo close to being a sequel, its weird. The only thing that needs to be edited/added to make it a true and great sequel, would be to change all the references to Chris Brander dubbed to Van Wilder, and explain how Gwen became a drug-ed up hussie (oh wait, that was Tara Reid)... well, explain how Gwen became not the perfect girl and how they break up. To make Van's character still likeable, it would need to be her fault for the breakup and not something easily forgiven.


Oh that's soo true - you're right!

Although has anyone seen School of Life with Ryan Reynalds- (warning- tearjerker ending, got funny bits and a good message)...

This could almost be a follow up but not so funny to Van Wilder- following on with the theme of enjoying what time we have and not taking life to seriously. -The Just Friends idea is better than mine but it just made me think of this too :o)

