MovieChat Forums > Tuck Everlasting (2002) Discussion > Stop comparing this to Twilight!

Stop comparing this to Twilight!

Yes, I realize that they both evolve around a romance in which the man can never die, but there is one major different. Tuck Everlasting is a great book, Twilight sucks like *beep*

The midget I'm dating could be my daughter! ~Denny Crane




I agree. Tuck Everlasting, as a story, sticks with you no matter what age you're introduced to it. While Twilight is popular now, yes, but will it still be in twenty years? Don't get me wrong. I'm a fan of both. But I don't think Twilight can honestly be compared to a story like Tuck Everlasting.


Its not our fault the story lines are so similiar.
And imo I actually thought the novel Tuck Everlasting was kind of boring and not as romantic because she was like 10 in it, while the Twilight books are bomb and the movie will probably suck

My name's Bridget


I read the book and saw the movie in 6th grade. =]
Not sure if I want to read Twilight..


Twilight isn't quite that bad, but Tuck Everlasting is a whole lot better.

Sing the praises of pants!


OMG i agree. Tuck Everlasting = classic.

Twilight = piece of crap by an "author" who can't even use the English language properly.


twilight is a trashy romance novel where the guy happens to be a vampire. Tuck everlasting was better because they didn't portray him as some form of "God" that our poor ordinary girl needed to be worthy of (at least from memory haven't seen it in awhile)

(am female)


so what if twilight is a piece of crap? you have to admit that they are similar stories. i am not condoning what stephenie meyer has done, but come on.


true they did, but twilight hate can take over sometimes

(am female)


I'm gonna be honest and say I have compared them. But only because I compared how stupid and selfish Bella Swan is compared to Winnie Foster. I still like Twilight though it's just not a literary masterpiece.

Your no bunny till some bunny loves you


I'm gonna be honest and say I have compared them. But only because I compared how stupid and selfish Bella Swan is compared to Winnie Foster. I still like Twilight though it's just not a literary masterpiece.

Your no bunny till some bunny loves you


I love you for saying this.

Its so true.

Twilight= word vomit
Tuck Everlasting= literature



Bella Swann will never be as amazing as Winnie...
Edward Cullen and his arrogant nature will never sweep me off my feet like Jesse Tuck did...

