similar movies to this

romantic vise but mostly immortality wise?
I like the fountain of youth plot.. Wich I have never seen in movies but only heard about.
I liked that it was about immortality but not a thriller,...
it was brain sex as kitty walker would have said.


Titanic (doomed romance, with the message that it's more important how you live than how long you live - other similar messages)

Peter Pan (the heroine has to make a similar choice whether to be young and unchanging forever - with the boy she loves - or live a full life)

Twilight (also deals with a mortal girl getting involved with an immortal family and falling for one of the sons, but unlike Tuck Everlasting it idealizes immortality)

Interview with a Vampire (a particularly brilliant performance by little Kirsten Dunst as Claudia, a vampire trapped for eternity in a little girl's body)

Harry Potter (the theme of immortality isn't stressed quite as much in the movies as in the books, but it's definitely there)

Even though it's a book and you asked for movies, I have to recommend The Declaration by Gemma Malley - along with Tuck Everlasting, it's one of the best and most realistic views of immortality I've encountered.



dident like titanic that much.
love twilight but think its more romance than immortality.
havent seen interview with a vampire.

I geuss, part of what makes this movie(tuck everlasting) is that it is so uniqe.

I read a lot, so thanks for the book tip.

Let me see your teeht!

Thats right I`m a frogger!



Alison Lohman for Supergirl



Let me see your teeht!

Thats right I`m a frogger!
