MovieChat Forums > Spun (2003) Discussion > If you've ever done Meth, you know...

If you've ever done Meth, you know...

I have done speed before, but was lucky enough to not get hooked for any extended period of time. I did go on a few 3-day streaks of using and I must say the come-down is one of the most painful things in this world. If you've done Meth before, this movie had to resonate with you. It's so true to life and is remarkable in the way that it captures the feeling of addiction. If anyone doesn't understand parts of the film or thinks the characters are acting foolishly or that something is unrealistic, you've obviously never done the drug.


I was addicted when I was younger. This movie captures that better than any other.


I am curious as to why you both got into meth and what you liked about it--it seems so incredibly unpleasant! Can you tell us?


You've just never done the drug. I've been addicted to speed and opiates, and watching movies like spun, trainspotting, or black tar heroin: the dark end of the street make me want to go out and use. Things like cleanliness and material possessions are no longer important because of how intensly euphoric you feel, and when you come down you feel like *beep* and those things become important again, so instead of getting your life back together and getting those things and your health back, you want to use, because "normal life" feels nowhere near as good as being on a good one. And most people get to this point because when you start out, you're just an ignorant young kid, you don't see places or people like this, you pick up off seemingly normal people that you don't even know where they live or the conditions of their living place. Then you want more than your first dealer can handle, then you start getting into things like this movie portrays, and have a good time with it all.


i only tried meth once it makes you feel good like self confidence wise i could relate to this movie though


@timvansickel .......

Thank you for an enlightening post, it's six years later now and I still am having trouble deciphering your candid observation and the No-Doubt seemingly deep writings..However, on a personal note Is there a reason you mentioned the speed and opiates together? If you do.. or did use,.. was there a scientific approach?
Was the speed used to negate the affects of the opiate or the opiate to control the influence of the speed, this is important, I don't think many abuser's recognize the differences or the need. And Again I offer my thanks to a well documented post such as it is. The comparisons are generally on target as is the attitude. Sorry to read that this movie caused the typical flashback inciting the need to feed your never conquered dope abuse. You are correct in posting the "have a good time with it all", idea. Most would never acknowledge their continued addiction and daily battle to avoid the "need to compensate" for their low self esteem or/and loss of control at the drop of straw. Anyhow thanks and good luck, b.t.w. have you heard anything about those hustlers selling condoms at the concert for $100.00 per?


Just try it.


I can answer from my experience. I started doing meth after I started doing MDMA. I loved the high off MDMA, how could you not, but it was rarely available while emth was always right there. Not as good, but still a way to get high, escape and increase energy levels.

I know how movies like this make the drug seem so sick, but it has its merits. I can tell you, there are times now I still think about doing some when I need to lose 5 pounds fast or the house needs to be cleaned up.


haha you americans are funny!





Heh and you foreigners are amusing ..... theres a distinct difference.


Right -- because Earth is comprised of Americans and Foreigners. And that's it.

(That post went right over your head, didn't it? You'll wake up soon enough.)


To uzi suicide58,

Sorry that your ex-girlfriend, or the girl you had a crush on, whatever she was, fell victim to meth. However, you don't need to attack other members on this message board, just because they like this movie or because they've used before. And if that is not the reason why you were so irrate, please explain why you felt it necessary to act so immature, unjustly nonetheless. And by the way, I appreciate this movie very much for a few reasons. First of all, its depiction of meth use is more realistic than most movies that are based on drug use. It also demonstrates how meth affects different parts of society, like cops, the ghetto, low class suburban america, and college students. Another major reason why i think Spun should be respected is because unlike most movies, including movies about drug addiction, which usually have a positive ending where everyone is happy, Spun ends, leaving the lives of the characters ultimately destroyed


Ever see Requiem for a Dream? NO happy endings there.


Definitely true, Requiem for a Dream doesn't end like a fairytale either. To be a little clearer than my last post...even though most movies do end happily ever after, there are others like Spun that end so pessimisticly


Spun, Requiem... I'm looking for drug movies. Any other options?



I recommend The Basketball Diaries. Excellent film! Little or nothing to do with basketball. Trainspotting is also very good. Those are the closest to Spun and Requiem that I know of. People always bring up Blow, Traffic, Scarface, and other stuff like that... don't get me wrong, they are all excellent films, but they fit more into the crime genre when compared to the former set of movies.


I agree that Scarface and the others listed are mainly based on crime with just a subplot of drugs. Basketball Diaries is awesome. I second that recommendation. And anyone who has seen that movie and liked it should check out Rebound: the Legend of Earl Manigault, which is also loosely based on basketball, but the main plot is based on heroin addiction. Don Cheadle is the lead role, and gives a fine performance.


Basketball Diaries is one of my favourite movies. It's an excellent film.


Human Traffic is a good drug film focussed on ecstasy

If that 'Love God And Are 100% Proud Signature' makes you sick, make THIS your signature!






@-flossiehayes...good call, and Salton Sea is one of Val Kilmer's better movies...IMO.


Christiane F: Wir Kindern von Bahnhoff Zoo and Gus van Sant's 'Drugstore Cowboy'.


I know I'm almost ten years late, but 'The panic in needle park' starring Al Pacino is also a good drug movie 


Boppin at the Glue Factory


Candy with Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish is closest depiction IMHO of drug use and how easily and quickly the journey can go from fun to addicted. I've seen all the other movies mentioned in the posts and this one shows how some can get out while others cannot.
Have personal experience with addiction. Have known a friend who died from crack OD. Have known people who have successfully recovered from crack addiction. And it's a life-long battle. Having done stuff myself, I can understand the allure/desire. And watching these movies, seeing the characters doing drugs, DOES make you want to do it again. Because it's fun, initially.


They don't end "pessimisticly", they end with reality. clearly you don't get that, so you shouldn't even comment.


That is a sad story. But obviously you don't understand addiction. It's not something she chooses to do. The drugs have become such a staple for her in her life that it's painful not to have it (physically, emotionally). Her body is addicted so it needs meth to function, just like you and I (and her too) needs air to function.



well I was that girl, and i've had my boyfirend beat me, lie, cheat and steal for meth and so have I and I still go back to it, and I still am with him, It's a seductress, a hot blonde that tastes like french vanilla ice cream, yeah i know i'm dumb, and I know you are hurt, but meth turns you into a whole different person, and its very hard to resist, so don't be mad just becaouse you don't understand


it is merely you who dont understand.

"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire


meth is fuuucking disgusting. why you would do that to yourself is beyond me. you will look like fergie--ten years older, if you are lucky. keep on it and your face wastes away.



I did meth every weekend for over a year, and I gotta say NOTHING in this movie accurately displays meth culture, AS I EXPERIENCED IT.

I'm from Australia, and most meth users Ive met are just regular people who use it on the weekends to party, and go to raves/dance parties, they are generally mid-upper class kids with alot of disposable income to spend on drugs.
Sure there are addicts who use for days on end, but they are definately the minority. the MAJORITY of drug users are not addicts, they are regular people, they go to school, the have full time jobs, they have families, friends, regular lives, and they also happen to use drugs occasionally.

Its been a few years since I stopped using drugs, and I gotta say, out of the hundreds of drug users I know, its pretty much the same case for them. They used/experimented with meth and ecstacy while they were young, then they grew up and got on with their lives.

The characters in this movie are not an accurate example of drug users, they are an extreme minority.

Now I have no problem with this movie, its entertainment, but if you think its an accurate portrayal of the average meth user you are an idiot.


you say this movie was nothing like your experiance.Thats because you were a weeken user,these people were hardcore everyday addicts..Theres a big difference you muppet.


i know right.
Personally I thought this was a cool perspective of a few Methamphetamine addicts . Also Its pretty funny and other things at times which is cool, and the cartoons and the multiple screens are great. The director did a nice job on putting this movie together, especially in the directors uncut edition. I think they could have made it longer, but they probably felt that too much time could slow the speedy pace of this movie.


Maybe in your own little world the majority of meth users are just a bunch of bored, party-going yuppies simply experimenting with the drug. In my experience, most yuppies I've seen stick to coke or weed. Meth is the cheap *beep* for the homebums who have nothing to live for. I've never met or heard of a rich crack-addict, and if you honestly think that drug users as they're portrayed in the film are an 'extreme minority', perhaps you haven't seen meth culture as it truly is. Maybe it's different where you live, but here in the States, meth is most commonly associated with hobos and hookers, either living on the streets or in cheap, filthy excuses for apartments in the middle of the city. Meth labs are generally situated in said apartments, or in trashy, decrepit houses in the nastier sections of the suburbs. That's meth culture as I've seen it.


I have, Lawrence Taylor. Hall of Fame Football Player from the NY Giants. How can you think only poor people do specific drugs, Getting High is Getting High. Oh so we can write off the poor because they don't do designer drugs.

I have drank Cheap Liquor and Expensive Liquor, Cheap Wine and Expensive Wine and enjoyed all four, had headaches from all four and moeny wasn't the reason all the time.

Oh and I forgot Rich People aren't addicts, they are "In Recovery"



Meth use is out of control in a very large portion of our country, especially out west (California and Arizona).

In the NYC area, there is not a lot of meth, fortunately, but that is because the cocaine cartels are keeping it out.

Also, because the New York Metropolitan area is so densely populated, meth labs would be discovered quickly because of their foul stench.

I've known meth users from out West and they're horrifying. They're all scabby and missing teeth by the age of 21.

It would be a good thing indeed if the USA's meth users could just be weekend warriors like folks in Australia.



Well that is because this movie isn't about the average meth user, its about the average meth addict. The characters in the film aren't recreational users they are addicts. Now you are completely right the average drug user can dabble in a bit and maintain control. However this movie is meant to show what spiralling out of control and *beep* can do to you. I think everyone with an IQ higher than 75 can figure out that addicts are the minority of drug users as well where I live most of us have messed around with drugs a few times. But seriously this does show how sick and depraved addicts are. I've never personally done meth but I've seen a couple of friends become exactly what this movie portrayed. And I know that this movie is disgustingly realistic to what happens when drugs start to control your life.


Comparing meth to ecstasy is plain dumb, dummie.





i would have to agree man. i've havent used in like a year, and everytime i watch this movie, it makes me want to. anyone out there with the same problem? lol.



last time i checked, meth was highly addictive. Thats really something of you just using it on the weekends to party. Alcohol is less addictive than methamphetamines, yet their are many alcoholics my friend. saying this movie is not accurate because you only used it on the weekends is like saying a movie where someone is an alcoholic is inaccurate, because you only party and drink on the weekends.


Alcohol is extremely physically and psychologically addictive meth amphetamine is psychologically addictive. there are vastly more alcohol dependent individuals in the world than people dependent on any other substance including meth, heroin and crack. It is unlikely a person would die from stopping meth. Alcohol withdrawals can be fatal.


Alcohol is affecting far more lives negatively but meth and also cocaine are generally considered by experts to be far more addictive. Even for alcoholics that need to keep drinking because they're physically dependent, its the psychological addiction that's the main problem. Writing "alcohol withdrawals can be fatal" is misleading. Almost all deaths during delirium tremens are from heart failure that wouldn't have occurred if the body had not been so malnourished by the preceding months or years of neglect.


not misleading at all. the process of withdrawal leads to their death as it causes the situation in which they enter DTs. Not really sure how saying alcohol withdrawal can be fatal is misleading in all honesty.

I didn't argue the relative addictiveness of substances just the differences in the nature of the dependence to each so the experts opinion is not in conflict with mine.
