In my opinion, I think everything about it is bad and negative. For the viewers they are fed a lie about sexuality. It gives them a distorted idea of what sex should be like. I think it desensitizes viewers to seek more and more extreme stuff to get off. It also builds up an unhealthy expectation of what their woman should be like and do. It conditions the mind to see people as things or objects instead of as people with feelings, hopes, desires etc.
As for the people in pornography, especially the women, they are degraded and dehumanized. The conventional "facial" in porn just shows what pornographers think of women - that they are a piece of garbage. It's tantamount to spitting in someone's face. Many women in the porn industry (a lot enter when they are 18 or 19) have been sexually abused growing up so their psyches are really messed up (a connection to why they got into porn?).
If you think it is completely okay, would you not flinch if your mother, sister, or daughter (or future daughter) did pornography?
As corny as it sounds I think pornography destroys the soul. It's focused on the carnal with its warped depiction of sexuality which hurts people spiritually. There is something not quite right with separating sex from love. We are not just mere animals, we are spiritual beings. When we use others as mere tools for our selfish pleasure as shown in pornography there is something immoral and backwards about it.
"In my opinion, I think everything about it is bad and negative."
I'm guessing you have tons of sex, and are someone who should really be telling us the way things should be here. Oh, that's right, you have said under your other user IDs you are celibate and you want to marry a virgin even though you are now in your late 20's.
"I think it desensitizes viewers to seek more and more extreme stuff to get off."
Is that what happened to you, and we're witnessing the result?
"It also builds up an unhealthy expectation of what their woman should be like and do."
LOL! You mean as opposed to all your unsolicited ramblings taking up space on the boards here under dozens of different user IDs dictating what women should be like and do?
"It conditions the mind to see people as things or objects instead of as people with feelings, hopes, desires etc."
I know, sexual fantasies are absolutely terrible. If only we didn't have porn, we'd be just staring at people on the street wondering about their feelings, hopes, desires, ect.
"The conventional "facial" in porn just shows what pornographers think of women - that they are a piece of garbage. It's tantamount to spitting in someone's face."
Only if you think of semen as something foul and disgusting. Just because your body is a trash heap Jamaal, doesn't mean we all treat ourselves that way.
"Many women in the porn industry (a lot enter when they are 18 or 19) have been sexually abused growing up so their psyches are really messed up (a connection to why they got into porn?)."
LOL! Good point, most of them don't even want the money.
"If you think it is completely okay, would you not flinch if your mother, sister, or daughter (or future daughter) did pornography?"
Well if this sort of possibility turns you into one big flinching pile of Jell-O, you probably don't have what it takes to raise kids in the first place. I keep forgetting what a control freak you are, no doubt that will go over swimmingly with your future offspring.
"As corny as it sounds I think pornography destroys the soul."
Awwww, that's not corny at all, no doubt pornography is right at the top there of things that destroy people's souls. Certainly not the jobs they have or don't have, their economic situations, not reaching the goals they set for themselves, addiction, ect ect....but masturbating to movies, yep, that's it.
"It's focused on the carnal with its warped depiction of sexuality which hurts people spiritually. There is something not quite right with separating sex from love. We are not just mere animals, we are spiritual beings."
LOL! Then why did "the good lord" allow for men to suffer much higher likelihood of prostate abnormality if they don't simply clear the pipes on a regular basis through one method or another? Get back to me on that one, chuckles.
"When we use others as mere tools for our selfish pleasure as shown in pornography there is something immoral and backwards about it."
So find some movies that show both people enjoying it. Just a crazy, out there suggestion.
How is a "facial" the same as spitting in someones face? Because it's a body fluid, it's automatically the same thing? The thing people don't understand is that a lot of woman like stuff like this- just because you don't, you can't seem to understand that other women do. And if you don't, you shouldn't try to speak for all women and say it's degrading to all women. If you don't like sex like that, then don't have sex like that- and the women who do like sex like that, well I guess they just will.
I know a girl I once dated hates porn. Said it kills one's imagination. Also she said every guy that looks at porn constantly can't perform for the real deal in her experience.
"I know a girl I once dated hates porn. Said it kills one's imagination. Also she said every guy that looks at porn constantly can't perform for the real deal in her experience."
I wouldn't say watching porn necesarrily kills the imagination. If anything it can heighten it. It just depends on the context. If you witness some of the scenario's involved it can inspire you to be more creative in the bedroom. And as for men who watch it constantly. Yeah, that might be true. But not all men (or woman even though they may be in the minority)watch porn constantly. I have close friends who at the most might own three DVD's which they might rarely watch.
I even had a friend who was in a relationship and he didn't have a problem getting girlfriends.(not that I'm implying you said that they couldn't) Actually, I know more than one. They ocassionly viewed pornography. Wether it was with their girlfriends and wether It's right or wrong is another case in point. Wether they not they could perform. Well, as far as I know both could. And may I ask. How does this former date know of all these guys? I wouldn't wish to think that she's attempted to sleep with a great number of guys. And even then if that were the case. How would she know that so many watched porn constantly? Would this be an assumption based on circumstantial evidence? I suspect it might. Please enlighten me.
If you read Sperm Wars you would see an argument for the whole ''facial'' being evolutionary. Basically displaying a mans fertility.... who knows...
It also argues that men watch porn and get turned on by it because on an evolutionary level they are preparing themselves to have sex with the woman who has just been having sex, as her cervix will be more ready to accept sperm to allow her to become impregnated, and therefore pass YOUR genes on, not the guy who has just finished after 2 minutes and has fallen asleep, allowing you to make your move.
"How is a "facial" the same as spitting in someones face? Because it's a body fluid, it's automatically the same thing? The thing people don't understand is that a lot of woman like stuff like this"
Lots of people actually like getting spit or puked on, does that mean one gender should be made to look like something happens a certain way all the time? No. And most women have ZERO interest in that so dont treat women like gay men. If they liked it they would watch it, when girls watch porn 99% of the time it isnt that crap. Girls ejaculate too, and a lot harder and further than men i might add, yet why is there little to no videos of chicks finishing on guys faces? why is it 99% of the time the other way around? Really proves the bias and degradation the porn industry and the consumers have. And do i really have to point out that a huge percent of porn stars, prostitutes and strippers have been sexually abused mostly as children? When are we as a society going to stop taking advantage of these people? Just go have real sex, what kind of a desperate loser needs porn?
"As corny as it sounds I think pornography destroys the soul."
I know plenty of people who are very psychologically healthy and who indulge in pornography occasionally, so all I need to do is reflect upon my experience to disprove this proposition. Of course a porn obsession can be harmful, but ANY kind of obsession can be harmful.
"It's focused on the carnal with its warped depiction of sexuality which hurts people spiritually."
Mammals have been focused on the carnal for millions of years, and we seem to have come through alright. Of course I'm unsure what you mean by this "soul" and "spirit" business. Are you speaking in metaphors or are you expressing your belief in mysticism?
"There is something not quite right with separating sex from love. We are not just mere animals, we are spiritual beings."
Again, sex and love have been separate for millions of yours. Now, I personally have no desire to engage in sexual relations with a person I don't love, but that is merely a facet of my personality. Sleeping around is good for some, not for others. Although, due to the natural loss of performance and attractiveness in later years, I think it advisable for everyone to eventually settle down with someone they care for.
We are indeed "mere animals," and our psychological (you might call them spiritual) needs are no less natural than what we find in other creatures.
Some obsessions are more harmful than others. When young men expect young women to look and act like porn stars, that's bad. It's worse when young girls watch porn and buy the lie that they have to look and act a certain way to be sexually ACCEPTABLE (even by the ugly guys in porn films), THAT'S bad. And the men in porn films all look like lowlife, greasy creeps. I've seen enough porn to find it depressing and dreary.
I would really have a problem with a partner who made a habit of watching porn. But then, I have an old-school, pre-Internet husband who just never got in the habit. I don't know how young women deal with it.