Pike's Alive??
Is it just me or did they show pike, blue and stiff with a giant golf ball sized hole in her head?? Then all of a sudden at the end she's there to save the day? I mean this happens a lot in horror movies you think someone's dead and they come back later. But usually we think they died from getting knocked out, or falling down a flight of stairs, NOT getting impaled through the skull. I don't think that's one of those superficial injuries one can just get up from and figure out where the killer went. WALK there from the cabin and save the day. I mean, yeah i was happy she wasn't dead because she was the romantic lead and she was cute as hell, but it was just crazy crazy nutty stuff. Also, she had the hat on over the hole at the end, with NO blood on the hat whatsoever. Hahaha. ANyone else feeling me on this one?